Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mechanical Movement Light

Initial experience with the traffic problems the city of Luxembourg

Im Rahmen eines Praktikums bin ich nun seit einer Woche unter die Grenzpendler der Großregion gegangen. Dabei fahre ich täglich mit dem Zug vom Trierer Südbahnhof in den Luxemburger Bahnhof, was den angenehmsten Teil der Reise darstellt.
Vom Gare Luxembourg zu meinem Arbeitsplatz gelange ich dann immer mit der Linie 9 oder 14, die beide im Viertelstundentakt fahren, was sich soweit auf den ersten Blick nach einer attraktiven Verbindung anhört. Praktisch haben die Busse in Luxemburg jedoch stets Verspätungen von mehreren Minuten, die sich vor allem auf der Stammstrecke zwischen Centre und Gare noch weiter steigern. Der öffentliche Verkehr mit Bussen in Luxemburg ist fast ZU gut, denn es fahren dort soviele davon, dass es an den Haltestellen regelmäßig congestion occurs, causing the bus itself. If all of these buses share the same with the private nor the road as it is in the Avenue de la liberté Hamilius between Place and the station does, it gets really late.
Source: / projettramlux.html

scheduled The city of Luxembourg in the coming years to reintroduce a tram (pictured), the traffic problems that may some could get under control. The best idea for me at the first measure would be to give the PT more priority by Rue de la liberté in both directions would be BRT-expanded moderately ( Bus Rapid Transit ) to at least independently to drive the cars. At the same time would also have to stop to be expanded - especially in the Place des Martyrs and the Place de Paris. In order to share the future route of the tram as a bus lane, the Busaufkommen is on this street right now too large, so many benefits of the tram would be nullified.
Further plans of the Luxembourg traffic plan for 2020 (Read more) provide relief to central station by a plurality of peripheral stations (cessing, Howald, Dommeldingen, Kirchberg / LuxExpo), this also in part by tram verbunden werden sollen. Es bleibt also abzuwarten, wie die Buslinien nach der Eröffnung der Tram und der neuen Bahnhöfe neu geordnet werden - eine Attraktivitätssteigerung des öffentlichen Verkehrs wird hoffentlich viele zum Umsteigen vom Auto bewegen und damit eine Entlastung der gesamten Stadt bewirken, wovon auch die Schnelligkeit der Busverbindungen profitieren kann.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sharking W0men Clothes

Geronimo Karnevalsparty start in 2011 03/05/2011

find the biggest Carnival party in the city at 5:03 instead of in the culture barn in Salzgitter Lebenstedt. In the squad are: costume award, DJ'S, smoking tent (40 sqm barn grown in culture), sitting area, dressing room and an extra cocktail bar. And it is no secret: For the past seven years, it is the hottest party Salzgitter! Here you can always celebrate with many nice friends and like-minded party. "Have fun without limits or end" is the daily currency. This party climax must not miss it. Here we go from 21 clock. Tickets go on sale 7.00 €. € 10.00 box office.

Forgot My Combination To My Casehard

Salzgitter in the future

were Mayor Frank Klingebiel on 7 February at the lakeside hotel in Salzgitter Lebenstedt mark the start of the "Guidelines - City of the Future".

The city of Salzgitter designed to continue its consistent, effective and sustainable for children, families and education policy. 15 working groups have been formed to develop a package of ideas and proposals, of which the City Council in December 2011 to cut down a decision in principle.

How Klingebiel opening made it clear he hoped to "self-determined answers" to the demographic development and the Educational Environment Salzgitter. This process could write the city in local government history. He expects a critical and creative discussion. He thanked all stakeholders for their confidence and now for the participation in the project.

early as September of last year, all relevant socio-political parties were invited to their willingness to participate in - to express "Guidelines town with a future" in a broad democratic dialogue. The response was impressive. And representatives of associations, clubs, games, facilities, churches, and from the Government signaled its interest in shaping the future Salzgitter efficiently and effectively.

In den Arbeitsgruppen sollen nunmehr für alle Themenfelder Kriterien entwickelt und mit messbaren Kenngrößen hinterlegt werden. Entscheidend für alle zu diskutierenden Vorhaben müssen die Wirkung auf die demografische Entwicklung der Stadt, eine konsequente Kinder- und Familienpolitik und der Ausbau einer fortschrittlichen Bildungslandschaft sein. Und diese Kriterien haben einer objektiven Prüfung vor dem Hintergrund der Haushaltslage standzuhalten.

Folgende Arbeitsgruppen wurden gebildet: Kinder- und Familienfreundliche Lernstadt, Betreuung und Erziehung, Bildung, Schulen, Außerschulisches Lernen, Kultur, Integration, Wohnen und Infrastruktur, Sport und Freizeit, Health, old and active, security, economy, institutions and initiatives and Council decisions. Moderated

is the process by planning and engineering company Grontmij from Hanover, which already controlled the Integrated Rural Development Framework (ILEK) in Salzgitter. For the company reaffirmed Simone Ritter, that the project "Guidelines - City of the Future" on the long term and sustainable impact was aligned. After the operation she presents and the roadmap, it is up to the final three meetings of the groups before Easter to give in May and after the summer holidays, before a final editing is carried out and presented to the newly elected council submission wird.

Heart Palpitations Milk Thistle

course of the partnership - building from demolition

Das Bauwerk am Platz der Städtepartnerschaft in der City Salzgitter-Lebenstedt steht unmittelbar vor dem Abriss. Wie der Fachdienst Tiefbau und Verkehr mitteilt, werden die Arbeiten zu seiner Beseitigung am 7. März beginnen. Sie werden sich voraussichtlich über einen Zeitraum von zwei Wochen erstrecken und am 18. März beendet sein.

Die vom Abriss betroffenen Platzflächen werden vorerst provisorisch geschlossen und im Laufe des Jahres in der Pflasterungsbauweise der umliegenden Flächen wieder hergestellt.Leider sind derartige Arbeiten auch mit Behinderungen und Harassment connected. The SDC's city of Salzgitter has therefore now all residents informed of the action and offers a telephone service. Contact Jörg Stueber is on telephone 05 341 / 839-3737.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Progression Of Inoperable Glioblastoma Multiforme

R'n'B Special Jam & Charts Party (Roxy events)

Office Headwelcome Letteroffice

spring noise in the Old Town on 6 March 2011

This year will again take place the spring rush . On 6 März 2011 bis 11 18 clock present 27.Geschäfts their products, which can be acquired naturally. Also for the soft drinks are provided. Discover the spring in the old town of Salzgitter-Bad! The house specialty, see Löffler 38259 Salzgitter-Bad in the 10th Vorsalzerstraße

Shoestring Licorice In Calgary

great house party meets Bad Taste 03/05/2011

great house party meets Bad Taste 05/03/2011 from 21.00 clock. Admission € 5.00 (students & students 3,50 €). Housing Festhalle Salzgitter-Bad. The website (Hilton Events) number at

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dancewear Wholesale In Canada

What throws this big shadow? - Aerial photo of February

Größere Kartenansicht
In der Nähe der belgischen Stadt La Louvière befindet sich am Canal du Centre das größte Schiffshebewerk der Welt, das vier alte Schiffshebewerke im Stadtgebiet ersetzt - diese im alten Kanal gehören heute zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. The new Strépy-thieux was opened in 2002 and overcomes a height difference of 70 meters. The Canal du Centre is an important link in the Belgian waterway network that links the waterways of the Scheldt with those in the catchment area of the Meuse by the old industrial regions of Wallonia.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Instal Runescape At School

Braunschweig pilot city for fast Internet access through fiber optic cable

By Jörn Stachura (News Click)

Telekom has announced that it can be laid in Braunschweig new fiber cable. You will allow very fast Internet connections. Brunswick is a pilot city for this relatively new technology in Germany.

Initial tests of Telekom took place in Dresden, and the pilot phase began earlier this week in Berlin. Brunswick is now your turn. On the part of Telekom's press office has confirmed this. It was said however: "We have not gathered all the necessary permits, however, the negotiations will be completed soon.." Details will then be explained.

is not unproblematic the project. Because the new technology provides to lay the fiber optic cable to the home. As once the cable for cable television. Because the new high speed internet not over the phone line comes into the house, or jointly used a different power supply can be extensive earthworks are necessary to move to the new cable. This makes the use of technology is expensive.

promises in return to transfer via fiber optic cable, to develop new application areas that are unthinkable with today's technology. Scientists are looking forward to growing data package in the future to be able to send and receive quickly.

The entertainment industry is, however, the possibility of the consumer as new three-dimensional films made over the Internet to offer, without the need of the customers give up other Internet uses. If today up to 50 megabits, the second can be transmitted, enables das neue Glasfaser-Kabel bis zu 200 Megabits die Sekunde.

In Braunschweig, so hieß es seitens der Pressestelle, wolle die Telekom zunächst Erfahrungen sammeln. Denn das Glasfaser-Projekt soll fortgesetzt werden: Für das Jahr 2012 plant die Telekom bereits eine Netzabdeckung von über vier Millionen Haushalten in den 50 größten Städten.

Denn Deutschland hinkt beim Ausbau hinterher: Gegenwärtig sind erst 0,4 Prozent der deutschen Internet-Nutzer an das schnelle Glasfaser-Netz angebunden. In Schweden hingegen bereits 10 Prozent. Auch die Franzosen und Italiener sind besser versorgt.

Allerdings wird das neue Glasfaser-Netz wohl nicht die weißen Flecken auf dem Stadtplan zum Verschwinden bringen, to identify where there is a very bad connection to the Internet. For example, in Geitelde, Stiddien, Bevenroder or Harxbüttel. As previously reported, went away empty-handed Brunswick, were allocated as subsidies, since in other cities and counties still looked bad.

are supplied as well in downtown Brunswick, however, Eastern Ring area, North City, Petritor, Wilhelmitor, Lehndorf and the Western city.

the part of the Telekom claimed that it stands in connection with the Brunswick Housing associations, since the permission was given to the connection of the building easier and faster. The construction companies have not, however, on extensive dwellings in the unterversorgten Ortsteilen.

Where To Trade Holopans For Ryno

Library in Salzgitter-Bad is for almost one million € enlarged

von Ingo Kugenbuch ( Salzgitter-Zeitung )

Für knapp eine Million Euro soll die Stadtteilbibliothek in Salzgitter-Bad ausgebaut und erweitert werden. Das hat der Rat der Stadt Salzgitter in seiner Sitzung am Mittwochnachmittag einstimmig beschlossen.

"Diese Zweigstelle genügt mit ihren 71 000 Besuchern pro Jahr nicht mehr den Anforderungen an eine moderne Bibliothek", begründete Klaus Poetsch (CDU) den Ratsbeschluss. So solle das Gebäude im Kleinen Rathaus einen eigenständigen behindertengerechten Außen-Zugang und mehr Surface obtained.

For indoor branch established in 1972, it is too narrow: there are too few jobs for students, too few rest areas, no room for events and readings, and no storage space. Because of the poor lighting shall burn on all times of day the light, and only a portion is equipped for disabled, lift not available. Moreover, the area of 450 square feet too small for an average of 350-450 visitors per day.

"We can all look forward. This library can be a communications center," said Wolfgang Schneider (SPD). "We expect to have construction this year. "CDU chairman Rolf Stratmann, praised that this joint project had also been brought together on the way.

The Council also spoke explicitly for the conservation of more than 100 year old copper beech in front of the library." We are particularly pleased that this addition is added, "said Hermann Fleischer (Left / Greens)

After the decision of the Council, the library is now much larger -. doubled to about 1,000 square feet more than you gets a lift, an open staircase connecting. should on all floors and a private entrance, which is dominated by a glass-enclosed building. On the first floor there is a Reading area with open views to give the rose garden in the summer to visitors can browse on the roof terrace.


Cervix Drops Before Period

New Sunday offer of Vöppstedter Tavern Salzgitter-Bad

new offer from Sunday Vöppstedter Tavern Salzgitter-Bad. You can reach the site from the inn at the following address! ->

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Are The Best Lakme Cosmetics

first Rose Monday party in Salzgitter-Bad 03/07/2011

© 2011 Vöppstedter Tavern & webcam salzgitter

first Rose Monday Party in Salzgitter-Bad Market Square on the 07/03/2011 in 38259 Salzgitter-Bad!

Karneval in Salzgitter, unglaublich aber war!! Der 2. Umzug seit 50 Jahren in Salzgitter Bad el Arenal! Klein aber fein!! Startet um 11.11 Uhr am Rathausvorplatz & endet an der Wirtshausbühne / Unterer Marktplatz. Alle Salzgitteraner & Gäste sind aufgerufen unsere Party zu unterstützen!!!! Bei Musik und lecker Getränken wollen wir ca. 6 Stunden nach dem Umzug unsere Stadt unsicher machen. Als Live Act's kommen Olli Ole & Marc Bull, das ganze wird unterstützt durch die - Modis Wolf & Daniel die AUCH Live Direkt ins Radio senden!!!! Eine zwei Webcams sind auch mit am Start, und übertragen auf and

DJ Raider takes us through the day! From 15.00 clock is the first time, find a children's carnival Open Air!! Information is available from the Facebook and the web pages from the inn, Südstars radio, webcam salzgitter!

If the party flyer with higher resolution, or required as a PDF file to make advertising for us may please contact an e-mail letter!!

And now let me surprise you!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Motion Sensing Light For Closet

Schiller - ray of hope - once again immersed in shimmering worlds!

ray of hope - once again in dazzling Worlds emerge. An audio CD with nine previously unreleased tracks, two DVDs and a large hardcover book in an elegant slipcase - "bright spot", the new work by Schiller is again a work of art in luxurious features. "New Sounds" by Schiller. During the breathless live tour in spring 2010, Christopher has given of Deylen everything. A break but has not granted the sound visionary, "When I got home, I was so full of impressions that I had to make music," says von Deylen. The result: nine fantastic new Schiller titles for which the composer including his three guest vocalist on the tour, Kate Havnevik, Anggun and Mia Bergström, again asked the studio. Only logical that this audio-CD infected with the new ray of light box, but it is compressed by Deylen impressions in Schiller's classic sound.

so powerful is because it had not been long geschillert: Breathless - The Live Tour Schiller 2010th In 14 German cities, long queues at the halls. 14 great concerts in the new-look Schiller. For the Master of the Global Pop The trip takes a light approach was developed that surprised, in accordance with sound and sophisticated stage technology. Schiller thousands of fans immersed in a sea of light and sound that drifted in the middle of blazing light and spherical sounds. "Bright spot" bietet auf DVD 01 das Highlight der Atemlos-Tour: das atemberaubende Konzert in der Hamburger O2-World. Die Gastkünstler – Anggun, Mia Bergström, Kate Havnevik, Midge Ure – und die großartige Schiller-Liveband auf der Bühne, umjubelt von 8000 begeisterten Schillerfans. "Lichtblick" überrascht aber auch mit tiefen Einblicken in den Tour-Alltag und zeigt in einem Kurzfilm die Künstler vor, hinter und auf der Bühne, zeigt die aufwändigen Bühnenaufbauten, die Spannung in der Garderobe kurz vor dem Auftritt und die letzten Schritte zur Bühne. Doch damit nicht genug: Auf DVD 02 ist als besonderes Lichtblick-Extra der Secret Gig im Berliner Heimathafen dokumentiert. Jenes feine, kleine, rein elektronische Schiller concert, to which only 100 guests were invited. "For me, this show was about to tour a very special concert. This dense atmosphere in a very small, almost private circles, makes it possible to set very different musical accents, as in a large hall - for every musician certainly a nice challenge, "says Christopher von Deylen.

A challenge to be adopted again by Deylen when from January to its electronic soundscapes Pur Tour breaks to develop his sound-cosmos in purely electronic form. "Ray of hope for me yet again a wonderful document of our work over the past two years. Whether it but once again so eine Box geben wird, vermag ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht zu sagen. Ich gehe gerne neue Wege und probiere neue Dinge aus, die kommende Elektronik Pur Klangwelten Tour ist ein schöner Anfang, auf den ich mich sehr freue“, so der Musiker, der in seinem Tun stets die Stille sucht, aber nichts mehr fürchtet als
den Stillstand.

Lichtblick erscheint am 26. November 2010.

Für Schillerfreunde, die eine besondere Erinnerung suchen, sogar in einer auf 1000 Stück streng limitierten Ultra Deluxe Edition mit einer 50 x 50 cm Leinwand, numeriert und vom Künstler handsigniert und als Bonus noch eine Doppel-Live-CD von der "Atemlos Live"-Tournee. Und erstmals gibt es Schiller auch in HD – auf der Blue-ray Disc "Breathless Live."

18 ist ihm durch den Kopf geschossen. Er sollte einen Rechnungsbetrag für Wasser und Abwasser von mehr als 756 220 Euro begleichen. Und das für den Zeitraum vom "01.01.5010 bis 21.15.5010". "Da ist wohl einiges danebengegangen", schimpft Walde.
So erging es vielen Kunden der WEVG am Samstag, als sie ihre Wasserrechnungen öffneten. Laut ersten Schätzungen des Unternehmens sind rund 2500 der etwa 21 000 Rechnungen nicht richtig gedruckt worden. Die Energieabrechnungen für 2010 jedoch sollen alle fehlerfrei sein.
Laut Norbert Kempf, Bereichsleiter für EDV und Kundenservice bei der WEVG, ist die Ursache ein Datenübermittlungsproblem gewesen. Den Druck der Rechnungen von der WEVG übernimmt ein Druckdienstleister from the region. There had been an error reading the data. The printing on the other hand refers to a software company. At the moment, is not yet clear who has to answer for the misprints. morning will be in the mailboxes of the affected households, a corrected version of the bills with an apology from the WEVG. "And the payroll is then read," promises Norbert Kempf. [link]
Monday, 17/01/2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Peroxide Genitla Herpes

air of the month January

The "Maasplassen"

Larger Map

The Dutch are regarded as world champions of land reclamation and coastal protection. After the disastrous flood of 1953 the Netherlands decided to improve its coastal defense even further, to go from these decisions out including the Delta Works. Not only the coastal populations had to pay tribute to these measures, even from the interior regions had to contribute. To strengthen and build new dikes were many masses of rock needed, but this in many parts of the Netherlands - especially in coastal areas - is in short supply. In the province of Limburg
can be gravel rocks as sediments on the river Maas found that from the mid-20th century were dismantled and transported to the construction sites along the coast.
was Sun after gravel extraction west of the city of Roermond, near the German border and artificial lakes, through which winds the River Meuse. These lakes are now a popular recreational area and the largest inland water sports area of the Netherlands.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Best Place To Get Eyebrows Done In Louisville

Vote for PERSPECTIVE - Now a Finalist

You can help us here.
First you need to register.
Then you can vote for APEIRON movie!

YOBI.TV - Vote for APEIRON's entry PERSPECTIVE in YOBIFilm Contest

Thank you so much! Tell all your friends!
We hope you like our work!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Song Cocaine Heroin Alcohol

Gloosite - Old Sugar Factory Burning

ATB Future Memories Making Of



Katja & DJ Andi (SüdStars radio), Colja (Vöppstedter Tavern Salzgitter-Bad), Steven (Hit Radio Sky)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Clever Sayings For Purdue

WEVG customer outraged: water bill for 756 220 €


As usual in America, which was then relativized. But what can one expect otherwise. If I had been at Ground peak body would be my Response also look into something Sun
course, it is almost impossible to be able to say whether it would be the largest in the world now. Groundspeak has certainly used the following headline in a blog post and a nice article on the anchor - the thickness - written
"Supersized-Geocoin touted as Wolrd's Largest"


The advertised as the world's largest giant Geocoin

In the caption is then But

" Geocacher Louis Cifer with the world's largest geocoin"

and was in a comment of a cache to be written as follows:

"Thats not a coin. Its an anchor ... "

:-) Since we have the mess. Hehe

In any case, the action of a totally cool LouisCifer, Jofrie, mygeocoin, theped, Felana been for that I want to thank very warmly.
You can say that the part is fat! :-)
Furthermore, the nasty and friese Blinker1980 are much been neglected in the action - unintentionally by all parties.

the two super-types that I have jointly prepared the North Sea and baptisms performed, I would like the coin - pay - the anchor.

The story:

Groundspeak Blog Latitude 47: Super-Sized Geocoin touted as World's Largest


Now is the anchor, no - the largest
the world - in front of my house. Sometimes he chooses

itself, however, the move to larger events.

Then I log him three days earlier from the cache, "The Fat"

Have Fun.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Is Pay For Ccie In 2011 In Dubai


Salzgitter-Bad retains its status as "state-approved location with brine spas. The traditional district had received the title for the first time in October 1985.

Because a state law had all their Lower Saxony Spas Recognition to re-apply, otherwise they would have 31 December 2010 lost. Salzgitter-Bad was the first health resort in Lower Saxony, which the document was handed out again.
from the hands of Secretary of State Dr. Oliver Liersch from the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economy, Labour and Transport Mayor Frank Klingebiel was on Friday 26 November, receive in Saline garden in the district of numerous representatives of the civic life of the certificate of recognition.

For people in Salzgitter-Bad to Klingebiel was convinced, was the re-recognition is a very important event. Many had been involved for years, the tradition of Thermalsolbades zu pflegen und fortzusetzen. Bestes jüngstes Beispiel sei der Gradierpavillon, der inzwischen aus der Traditionsinsel nicht mehr wegzudenken sei.

Für Dr. Liersch war der Besuch in der Stadt als gebürtiger Salzgitteraner ein Heimspiel. Auch er zeigte sich erfreut, dass der Traditionsstadtteil seinen Titel wiedererringen konnte. Eine ganze Reihe von Orten habe den Status verloren, weil die neuen Kriterien nicht erfüllt worden seien. Darauf könne "Bad" stolz sein. Zudem sollte nicht vergessen werden, dass die Anerkennung Arbeitsplätze erhalten und neue schaffen könne.
Die 25prozentige Thermalsole von Salzgitter-Bad sprudelt aus rund 200 Metern Tiefe. Sie zählt zu den stärksten in Mitteleuropa. Aus der Traditionsinsel im Herzen der Altstadt wird sie direkt in das Thermalsolbad gefördert. Oberhalb der Stadt gelegen bietet es mit der Kombination aus Thermal-Sole-Wellenbad, Sauna-Land, Fitness-Treff und der Praxis für Krankengymnastik ein umfangreiches Leistungsspektrum rund um das Thema Gesundheit.

Einzigartig in der Region ist neben dem klassischen krankengymnastischen Leistungsspektrum die Sole-Photo-Therapie sowie ein Wannenbad in hochkonzentrierter Sole mit anschließender Bestrahlung zur Behandlung von verschiedenen Hautkrankheiten. Bewegungsbäder im 34°C warmen Thermal-Sole-Therapiebecken und umfangreiche Wohlfühlangebote runden das Programm ab.
Zur Geschichte: Die Entstehung und Development of Salzgitter-Bad was up in the 19-20. Century primarily determined by the salt deposits. In the 19th Century was added the use of brine for medicinal purposes, the Saline area changed in the 20 Century to the spa area. Today, the rose garden reminds the Gradierpavillon the location of the former salt works and the spa gardens.

A first use of the brine to cure and healing purposes was demonstrated in 1825 instead. The spa facilities were modest at first. A first bath house was built around 1886/1890. In 1910 the Duke of Brunswick government took over the 200 years leased Saline in their own direction. The old bath house was replaced in 1911 by a new, larger one. 1926 were the bathing facilities in the possession of the city of Salzgitter Bad. In the early 1930s, it flourished. During the Second World War to the war rested largely the cure. Only in the 1950s revived the cure. The facilities were modernized and expanded. One visit was in 1954 the attached to the bath house sauna with salt water pool. 1959, next to the bath house the "glass deck hall inaugurated in 1966 in the sauna house, the" Stanger bath. Many outpatient treatments were administered to patients in the region, but also from the big cities, especially Hamburg and Berlin, there were many guests.

The old spa garden was redesigned in 1973 as the Saline Garden and demolished the old bathhouse 1974th The Saline garden with Tilly house (house of the former Saline administrator), Kniestedter mansion and Garßenhof developed as a bed council house of the hotel basement to the "island tradition. In 1989, added the rose garden and this year was the Gradierpavillon presented to the public.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Penis Check Female Doctor


Dear film friends

I just wanted to say quickly that my film reviews and some friends and colleagues from now on under the title FILM REPORT publish! The site is still under construction and I am pleased List Subscribers. Authors would also like to publish a film review or a festival report, may feel free to contact me.
accompanied me but to the press screening!

Hopefully you read the text now and then. Hopefully, I write some more if I think my next shoot and festivals still time! It trains the eye.

win soon


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Owner Of A Condo Bill Heating

flood in Gerolstein

In most places the Trier region of the apex was reached by the floods in the last 12-24 hours. The Moselle today I looked only on the Pfalzel Bridge, "which has flooded some fields - at the beginning of my train ride through Kylltal or rather the Kylltal lakes.

The Kyll has already reached its peak, but decreases only slowly, so even large areas in the valley are flooded by water. Out of the train I took no pictures, but here are some pictures from Gerolstein this afternoon (15 clock):
City Park Gerolstein

the source is accessible only by rubber boots ...

... in winter but anyway shut

I found on Youtube a very fresh video that could not fit better on my post: You can see the flooded parking lots, parts of the Gerolsteiner -bubble-premises and agricultural areas in the Kylltal. Thumbs up for the maker of this video!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Gastro Bug With Vomiting And Runny Nose

The Mosel - it goes up and up ...

... and in the local press is constantly with level-numbers thrown around, that most readers know what to do. My curiosity made me then returned to this page where I could the following refer to the Trier level:
  • 2.20 m mean low water level
  • the mean water level of the Mosel is 3.20 meters
  • the flood warning Brand is 6m
  • shipping is possible up to a level of 6.95 m
  • from 8m are already scattered along highways and rural roads Moselle locked critical level
  • 9m: very critical level
  • 10m: emergency alert for Trier-Saarburg
  • from 11.50 m, the Pacelliufer - flooding, protecting the inner city as a flood protection wall in front of the water - so the banks highway in Trier
was when record floods of 1993, the state of the Trier level 11.28 m and it was pretty wet on Pacelliufer, images can be found these days side .

Yesterday morning was predicted that the registration mark should be 6 meters today reached tomorrow, but this happened yesterday evening at 21 clock. Since tonight decreased the rate of climb, the 8-meter mark was still achieved today at noon.

How accurate now Trier High water at the level of just over 8 yards looks like, I have this afternoon (about 16 clock) captured in several images:
view from the Roman bridge at Konrad-Adenauer-Brücke
for ships, it would be close to the Roman bridge
am Krahnenufer
Zurlaubener Ufer und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke
Die Uferbereiche sind nahezu alle überflutet, aber zumindest in Trier scheinen bisher noch keine Wohngebiete betroffen zu sein. Somit hat die 4-spurige Moseluferstraße, die das Ufer als Naherholungsgebiet von der Innenstadt abschneidet, wenigstens den Vorteil eines Hochwasserschutzdammes.
Die Behörden in Trier rechnen zum Wochenende mit Höchstständen von bis zu 10 Metern - die Entwicklung der nächsten Stunden bleibt also abzuwarten, the water levels are constantly updated on . On the website of the State Environment Ministry also a GIS can be found on the subject: the flood hazard maps .