Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Instal Runescape At School

Braunschweig pilot city for fast Internet access through fiber optic cable

By Jörn Stachura (News Click)

Telekom has announced that it can be laid in Braunschweig new fiber cable. You will allow very fast Internet connections. Brunswick is a pilot city for this relatively new technology in Germany.

Initial tests of Telekom took place in Dresden, and the pilot phase began earlier this week in Berlin. Brunswick is now your turn. On the part of Telekom's press office has confirmed this. It was said however: "We have not gathered all the necessary permits, however, the negotiations will be completed soon.." Details will then be explained.

is not unproblematic the project. Because the new technology provides to lay the fiber optic cable to the home. As once the cable for cable television. Because the new high speed internet not over the phone line comes into the house, or jointly used a different power supply can be extensive earthworks are necessary to move to the new cable. This makes the use of technology is expensive.

promises in return to transfer via fiber optic cable, to develop new application areas that are unthinkable with today's technology. Scientists are looking forward to growing data package in the future to be able to send and receive quickly.

The entertainment industry is, however, the possibility of the consumer as new three-dimensional films made over the Internet to offer, without the need of the customers give up other Internet uses. If today up to 50 megabits, the second can be transmitted, enables das neue Glasfaser-Kabel bis zu 200 Megabits die Sekunde.

In Braunschweig, so hieß es seitens der Pressestelle, wolle die Telekom zunächst Erfahrungen sammeln. Denn das Glasfaser-Projekt soll fortgesetzt werden: Für das Jahr 2012 plant die Telekom bereits eine Netzabdeckung von über vier Millionen Haushalten in den 50 größten Städten.

Denn Deutschland hinkt beim Ausbau hinterher: Gegenwärtig sind erst 0,4 Prozent der deutschen Internet-Nutzer an das schnelle Glasfaser-Netz angebunden. In Schweden hingegen bereits 10 Prozent. Auch die Franzosen und Italiener sind besser versorgt.

Allerdings wird das neue Glasfaser-Netz wohl nicht die weißen Flecken auf dem Stadtplan zum Verschwinden bringen, to identify where there is a very bad connection to the Internet. For example, in Geitelde, Stiddien, Bevenroder or Harxbüttel. As previously reported, went away empty-handed Brunswick, were allocated as subsidies, since in other cities and counties still looked bad.

are supplied as well in downtown Brunswick, however, Eastern Ring area, North City, Petritor, Wilhelmitor, Lehndorf and the Western city.

the part of the Telekom claimed that it stands in connection with the Brunswick Housing associations, since the permission was given to the connection of the building easier and faster. The construction companies have not, however, on extensive dwellings in the unterversorgten Ortsteilen.


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