Saturday, January 15, 2011

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Salzgitter-Bad retains its status as "state-approved location with brine spas. The traditional district had received the title for the first time in October 1985.

Because a state law had all their Lower Saxony Spas Recognition to re-apply, otherwise they would have 31 December 2010 lost. Salzgitter-Bad was the first health resort in Lower Saxony, which the document was handed out again.
from the hands of Secretary of State Dr. Oliver Liersch from the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economy, Labour and Transport Mayor Frank Klingebiel was on Friday 26 November, receive in Saline garden in the district of numerous representatives of the civic life of the certificate of recognition.

For people in Salzgitter-Bad to Klingebiel was convinced, was the re-recognition is a very important event. Many had been involved for years, the tradition of Thermalsolbades zu pflegen und fortzusetzen. Bestes jüngstes Beispiel sei der Gradierpavillon, der inzwischen aus der Traditionsinsel nicht mehr wegzudenken sei.

Für Dr. Liersch war der Besuch in der Stadt als gebürtiger Salzgitteraner ein Heimspiel. Auch er zeigte sich erfreut, dass der Traditionsstadtteil seinen Titel wiedererringen konnte. Eine ganze Reihe von Orten habe den Status verloren, weil die neuen Kriterien nicht erfüllt worden seien. Darauf könne "Bad" stolz sein. Zudem sollte nicht vergessen werden, dass die Anerkennung Arbeitsplätze erhalten und neue schaffen könne.
Die 25prozentige Thermalsole von Salzgitter-Bad sprudelt aus rund 200 Metern Tiefe. Sie zählt zu den stärksten in Mitteleuropa. Aus der Traditionsinsel im Herzen der Altstadt wird sie direkt in das Thermalsolbad gefördert. Oberhalb der Stadt gelegen bietet es mit der Kombination aus Thermal-Sole-Wellenbad, Sauna-Land, Fitness-Treff und der Praxis für Krankengymnastik ein umfangreiches Leistungsspektrum rund um das Thema Gesundheit.

Einzigartig in der Region ist neben dem klassischen krankengymnastischen Leistungsspektrum die Sole-Photo-Therapie sowie ein Wannenbad in hochkonzentrierter Sole mit anschließender Bestrahlung zur Behandlung von verschiedenen Hautkrankheiten. Bewegungsbäder im 34°C warmen Thermal-Sole-Therapiebecken und umfangreiche Wohlfühlangebote runden das Programm ab.
Zur Geschichte: Die Entstehung und Development of Salzgitter-Bad was up in the 19-20. Century primarily determined by the salt deposits. In the 19th Century was added the use of brine for medicinal purposes, the Saline area changed in the 20 Century to the spa area. Today, the rose garden reminds the Gradierpavillon the location of the former salt works and the spa gardens.

A first use of the brine to cure and healing purposes was demonstrated in 1825 instead. The spa facilities were modest at first. A first bath house was built around 1886/1890. In 1910 the Duke of Brunswick government took over the 200 years leased Saline in their own direction. The old bath house was replaced in 1911 by a new, larger one. 1926 were the bathing facilities in the possession of the city of Salzgitter Bad. In the early 1930s, it flourished. During the Second World War to the war rested largely the cure. Only in the 1950s revived the cure. The facilities were modernized and expanded. One visit was in 1954 the attached to the bath house sauna with salt water pool. 1959, next to the bath house the "glass deck hall inaugurated in 1966 in the sauna house, the" Stanger bath. Many outpatient treatments were administered to patients in the region, but also from the big cities, especially Hamburg and Berlin, there were many guests.

The old spa garden was redesigned in 1973 as the Saline Garden and demolished the old bathhouse 1974th The Saline garden with Tilly house (house of the former Saline administrator), Kniestedter mansion and Garßenhof developed as a bed council house of the hotel basement to the "island tradition. In 1989, added the rose garden and this year was the Gradierpavillon presented to the public.



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