Friday, March 4, 2011

Forgot My Combination To My Casehard

Salzgitter in the future

were Mayor Frank Klingebiel on 7 February at the lakeside hotel in Salzgitter Lebenstedt mark the start of the "Guidelines - City of the Future".

The city of Salzgitter designed to continue its consistent, effective and sustainable for children, families and education policy. 15 working groups have been formed to develop a package of ideas and proposals, of which the City Council in December 2011 to cut down a decision in principle.

How Klingebiel opening made it clear he hoped to "self-determined answers" to the demographic development and the Educational Environment Salzgitter. This process could write the city in local government history. He expects a critical and creative discussion. He thanked all stakeholders for their confidence and now for the participation in the project.

early as September of last year, all relevant socio-political parties were invited to their willingness to participate in - to express "Guidelines town with a future" in a broad democratic dialogue. The response was impressive. And representatives of associations, clubs, games, facilities, churches, and from the Government signaled its interest in shaping the future Salzgitter efficiently and effectively.

In den Arbeitsgruppen sollen nunmehr für alle Themenfelder Kriterien entwickelt und mit messbaren Kenngrößen hinterlegt werden. Entscheidend für alle zu diskutierenden Vorhaben müssen die Wirkung auf die demografische Entwicklung der Stadt, eine konsequente Kinder- und Familienpolitik und der Ausbau einer fortschrittlichen Bildungslandschaft sein. Und diese Kriterien haben einer objektiven Prüfung vor dem Hintergrund der Haushaltslage standzuhalten.

Folgende Arbeitsgruppen wurden gebildet: Kinder- und Familienfreundliche Lernstadt, Betreuung und Erziehung, Bildung, Schulen, Außerschulisches Lernen, Kultur, Integration, Wohnen und Infrastruktur, Sport und Freizeit, Health, old and active, security, economy, institutions and initiatives and Council decisions. Moderated

is the process by planning and engineering company Grontmij from Hanover, which already controlled the Integrated Rural Development Framework (ILEK) in Salzgitter. For the company reaffirmed Simone Ritter, that the project "Guidelines - City of the Future" on the long term and sustainable impact was aligned. After the operation she presents and the roadmap, it is up to the final three meetings of the groups before Easter to give in May and after the summer holidays, before a final editing is carried out and presented to the newly elected council submission wird.


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