Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Peroxide Genitla Herpes

air of the month January

The "Maasplassen"

Larger Map

The Dutch are regarded as world champions of land reclamation and coastal protection. After the disastrous flood of 1953 the Netherlands decided to improve its coastal defense even further, to go from these decisions out including the Delta Works. Not only the coastal populations had to pay tribute to these measures, even from the interior regions had to contribute. To strengthen and build new dikes were many masses of rock needed, but this in many parts of the Netherlands - especially in coastal areas - is in short supply. In the province of Limburg
can be gravel rocks as sediments on the river Maas found that from the mid-20th century were dismantled and transported to the construction sites along the coast.
was Sun after gravel extraction west of the city of Roermond, near the German border and artificial lakes, through which winds the River Meuse. These lakes are now a popular recreational area and the largest inland water sports area of the Netherlands.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Best Place To Get Eyebrows Done In Louisville

Vote for PERSPECTIVE - Now a Finalist

You can help us here.
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Then you can vote for APEIRON movie!

YOBI.TV - Vote for APEIRON's entry PERSPECTIVE in YOBIFilm Contest

Thank you so much! Tell all your friends!
We hope you like our work!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Song Cocaine Heroin Alcohol

Gloosite - Old Sugar Factory Burning

ATB Future Memories Making Of



Katja & DJ Andi (SüdStars radio), Colja (Vöppstedter Tavern Salzgitter-Bad), Steven (Hit Radio Sky)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Clever Sayings For Purdue

WEVG customer outraged: water bill for 756 220 €


As usual in America, which was then relativized. But what can one expect otherwise. If I had been at Ground peak body would be my Response also look into something Sun
course, it is almost impossible to be able to say whether it would be the largest in the world now. Groundspeak has certainly used the following headline in a blog post and a nice article on the anchor - the thickness - written
"Supersized-Geocoin touted as Wolrd's Largest"


The advertised as the world's largest giant Geocoin

In the caption is then But

" Geocacher Louis Cifer with the world's largest geocoin"

and was in a comment of a cache to be written as follows:

"Thats not a coin. Its an anchor ... "

:-) Since we have the mess. Hehe

In any case, the action of a totally cool LouisCifer, Jofrie, mygeocoin, theped, Felana been for that I want to thank very warmly.
You can say that the part is fat! :-)
Furthermore, the nasty and friese Blinker1980 are much been neglected in the action - unintentionally by all parties.

the two super-types that I have jointly prepared the North Sea and baptisms performed, I would like the coin - pay - the anchor.

The story:

Groundspeak Blog Latitude 47: Super-Sized Geocoin touted as World's Largest


Now is the anchor, no - the largest
the world - in front of my house. Sometimes he chooses

itself, however, the move to larger events.

Then I log him three days earlier from the cache, "The Fat"

Have Fun.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Is Pay For Ccie In 2011 In Dubai


Salzgitter-Bad retains its status as "state-approved location with brine spas. The traditional district had received the title for the first time in October 1985.

Because a state law had all their Lower Saxony Spas Recognition to re-apply, otherwise they would have 31 December 2010 lost. Salzgitter-Bad was the first health resort in Lower Saxony, which the document was handed out again.
from the hands of Secretary of State Dr. Oliver Liersch from the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economy, Labour and Transport Mayor Frank Klingebiel was on Friday 26 November, receive in Saline garden in the district of numerous representatives of the civic life of the certificate of recognition.

For people in Salzgitter-Bad to Klingebiel was convinced, was the re-recognition is a very important event. Many had been involved for years, the tradition of Thermalsolbades zu pflegen und fortzusetzen. Bestes jüngstes Beispiel sei der Gradierpavillon, der inzwischen aus der Traditionsinsel nicht mehr wegzudenken sei.

Für Dr. Liersch war der Besuch in der Stadt als gebürtiger Salzgitteraner ein Heimspiel. Auch er zeigte sich erfreut, dass der Traditionsstadtteil seinen Titel wiedererringen konnte. Eine ganze Reihe von Orten habe den Status verloren, weil die neuen Kriterien nicht erfüllt worden seien. Darauf könne "Bad" stolz sein. Zudem sollte nicht vergessen werden, dass die Anerkennung Arbeitsplätze erhalten und neue schaffen könne.
Die 25prozentige Thermalsole von Salzgitter-Bad sprudelt aus rund 200 Metern Tiefe. Sie zählt zu den stärksten in Mitteleuropa. Aus der Traditionsinsel im Herzen der Altstadt wird sie direkt in das Thermalsolbad gefördert. Oberhalb der Stadt gelegen bietet es mit der Kombination aus Thermal-Sole-Wellenbad, Sauna-Land, Fitness-Treff und der Praxis für Krankengymnastik ein umfangreiches Leistungsspektrum rund um das Thema Gesundheit.

Einzigartig in der Region ist neben dem klassischen krankengymnastischen Leistungsspektrum die Sole-Photo-Therapie sowie ein Wannenbad in hochkonzentrierter Sole mit anschließender Bestrahlung zur Behandlung von verschiedenen Hautkrankheiten. Bewegungsbäder im 34°C warmen Thermal-Sole-Therapiebecken und umfangreiche Wohlfühlangebote runden das Programm ab.
Zur Geschichte: Die Entstehung und Development of Salzgitter-Bad was up in the 19-20. Century primarily determined by the salt deposits. In the 19th Century was added the use of brine for medicinal purposes, the Saline area changed in the 20 Century to the spa area. Today, the rose garden reminds the Gradierpavillon the location of the former salt works and the spa gardens.

A first use of the brine to cure and healing purposes was demonstrated in 1825 instead. The spa facilities were modest at first. A first bath house was built around 1886/1890. In 1910 the Duke of Brunswick government took over the 200 years leased Saline in their own direction. The old bath house was replaced in 1911 by a new, larger one. 1926 were the bathing facilities in the possession of the city of Salzgitter Bad. In the early 1930s, it flourished. During the Second World War to the war rested largely the cure. Only in the 1950s revived the cure. The facilities were modernized and expanded. One visit was in 1954 the attached to the bath house sauna with salt water pool. 1959, next to the bath house the "glass deck hall inaugurated in 1966 in the sauna house, the" Stanger bath. Many outpatient treatments were administered to patients in the region, but also from the big cities, especially Hamburg and Berlin, there were many guests.

The old spa garden was redesigned in 1973 as the Saline Garden and demolished the old bathhouse 1974th The Saline garden with Tilly house (house of the former Saline administrator), Kniestedter mansion and Garßenhof developed as a bed council house of the hotel basement to the "island tradition. In 1989, added the rose garden and this year was the Gradierpavillon presented to the public.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Penis Check Female Doctor


Dear film friends

I just wanted to say quickly that my film reviews and some friends and colleagues from now on under the title FILM REPORT publish! The site is still under construction and I am pleased List Subscribers. Authors would also like to publish a film review or a festival report, may feel free to contact me.
accompanied me but to the press screening!

Hopefully you read the text now and then. Hopefully, I write some more if I think my next shoot and festivals still time! It trains the eye.

win soon


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Owner Of A Condo Bill Heating

flood in Gerolstein

In most places the Trier region of the apex was reached by the floods in the last 12-24 hours. The Moselle today I looked only on the Pfalzel Bridge, "which has flooded some fields - at the beginning of my train ride through Kylltal or rather the Kylltal lakes.

The Kyll has already reached its peak, but decreases only slowly, so even large areas in the valley are flooded by water. Out of the train I took no pictures, but here are some pictures from Gerolstein this afternoon (15 clock):
City Park Gerolstein

the source is accessible only by rubber boots ...

... in winter but anyway shut

I found on Youtube a very fresh video that could not fit better on my post: You can see the flooded parking lots, parts of the Gerolsteiner -bubble-premises and agricultural areas in the Kylltal. Thumbs up for the maker of this video!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Gastro Bug With Vomiting And Runny Nose

The Mosel - it goes up and up ...

... and in the local press is constantly with level-numbers thrown around, that most readers know what to do. My curiosity made me then returned to this page where I could the following refer to the Trier level:
  • 2.20 m mean low water level
  • the mean water level of the Mosel is 3.20 meters
  • the flood warning Brand is 6m
  • shipping is possible up to a level of 6.95 m
  • from 8m are already scattered along highways and rural roads Moselle locked critical level
  • 9m: very critical level
  • 10m: emergency alert for Trier-Saarburg
  • from 11.50 m, the Pacelliufer - flooding, protecting the inner city as a flood protection wall in front of the water - so the banks highway in Trier
was when record floods of 1993, the state of the Trier level 11.28 m and it was pretty wet on Pacelliufer, images can be found these days side .

Yesterday morning was predicted that the registration mark should be 6 meters today reached tomorrow, but this happened yesterday evening at 21 clock. Since tonight decreased the rate of climb, the 8-meter mark was still achieved today at noon.

How accurate now Trier High water at the level of just over 8 yards looks like, I have this afternoon (about 16 clock) captured in several images:
view from the Roman bridge at Konrad-Adenauer-Brücke
for ships, it would be close to the Roman bridge
am Krahnenufer
Zurlaubener Ufer und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke
Die Uferbereiche sind nahezu alle überflutet, aber zumindest in Trier scheinen bisher noch keine Wohngebiete betroffen zu sein. Somit hat die 4-spurige Moseluferstraße, die das Ufer als Naherholungsgebiet von der Innenstadt abschneidet, wenigstens den Vorteil eines Hochwasserschutzdammes.
Die Behörden in Trier rechnen zum Wochenende mit Höchstständen von bis zu 10 Metern - die Entwicklung der nächsten Stunden bleibt also abzuwarten, the water levels are constantly updated on . On the website of the State Environment Ministry also a GIS can be found on the subject: the flood hazard maps .

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Online Belladonna Film

time-lapse video

In recent weeks I met on the Internet often time-lapse videos, until I myself wanted to do one. I was thinking of images of lively pedestrian streets, busy main roads or railway stations.

For my first attempt had now but for now the rather unspectacular view from a window of my serve, when I thought of the sunset. However, even though I had first experience with staying power my camera (Canon Ixus 950IS) make, because this only takes videos up to 60 minutes, making it the sunset was unfortunately not complete and the recording was stopped at 17:15 - this is the result:

have alt I recorded this with the freeware Avidemux . For my next video, I should but I choose a more spectacular scene, as well as my role models:

Monday, January 3, 2011

How Much Does Catering For 150 People Cost

The dream of an underground through station

... at the moment especially in Swabia a big issue. That the train (or urban) project Stuttgart 21 is very controversial and complex, I probably no longer large go on it, because for months, this broad-entered in the national media and most people probably have heard many pros and cons of the project.

In this blog post I would like to mention one important aspect of the topic: the perception of the passengers of an underground transit station, as is planned in Stuttgart and in another major European city already exists: in Brussels.

Brussels used to have three large terminal stations (Brussels North, Brussels Midi, Brussels-Luxembourg), which were now all converted to transit stations. Early on (1866), the east of the city, Luxembourg train station connected to the North Station. The combination of the two largest train stations (Nordbhf., Südbhf.), Is as difficult as possible direct link would lead through the city. The construction of the downtown tunnels along the east ascending the hill of the old town was started in 1911, but could be terminated only after the world wars in 1952.
created on this new tunnel along the inner city, three new stations, two underground: Congrès / Congres, Chapelle / Kapellekerk (not unteriridsch) and Central / Centraal. If you already have fear of subway stations should never any anew in one of these underground stations waiting for a train, because the living quality of this gene tends 0th At stations Congres and Chapelle hold only regional trains at Central Station as today's downtown train station and also the Belgian inter-city / inter-regional trains (due to the size of Belgium and the use of these trains to the normal price I see from using the German term "long distance" from). The latter now houses three platforms to six tracks and is measured by the frequency of the traveler's largest train station in Belgium. Due to the high frequency of this passenger is still alive, but the average stay for most passengers should never be longer than necessary, partly because there mainly Commuter / unloading.
platform at Central Station (October 2010) lobby at the Central Station (October 2010)
The claim to a large quality of stay at the downtown train station is not really necessary but because the interchanges take place in Brussels at another station:
The main train station of Brussels is now the South Station (Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuyd) at the southern end of the daily traffic in 1200 with trains tunnel. Stop here in addition to the regional and IC / IR trains in Belgium and der internationale Fernverkehr aus sämtlichen Richtungen, sodass man dort sowohl TGV/Thalys, als auch ICEs und Eurostar-Züge antreffen kann. Der Bahnhof hat die für Durchgangsbahnhöfe sehr hohe Bahnsteiggleisanzahl von 22 (wird in Europa nur von den 23 in Nürnberg übertroffen), die die erforderliche Kapazität eines international bedeutenden Knotenbahnhofs schaffen.
Südbahnhof Brüssel mit Tour de Midi (Bing-Vogelperspektive)

Ironischerweise verlangen auch die EU-Politiker aus Brüssel vehement, dass Stuttgart21 gebaut wird, dabei müssten diese actually be more knowledgeable. But here is seemingly confirmed the impression that this project is not championed by passionate car drivers, but of real outside person for the real customer needs stories from another world. Unattractive
underground stations operate in places where people get out quickly and pursue goals outside of the station or of whom to train and there is usually not a long time. This through train stations with a manageable number of tracks are thus suitable for mass passenger check-in inner cities and were usually carried out only in S, U, or urban train systems, which are mainly to commuter traffic . Orientate
railway station in Stuttgart, but nationally and internationally important railway junction in one of the largest metropolitan areas in Europe. In it the 80% of the trains, many passengers to get there. That such a major hub now placed under the earth and the passengers are to be handled there, like a conveyor belt is unique in Europe and will not arrive at the long-term customers. Course will address the Rail 2030 huge of a success if it operates with naked passengers advertising, but if you will ask them to rely on the train passengers on the platforms, even qualitatively, they will be missed a connecting train, bustle and the crowds, the squeeze on the escalators to complain.
If the car in Germany will be truly modern, then they should say goodbye to a shortage of sized, possibly through rationalized concepts and systems and plan their investments so that they will always work in the long term and also arrive at the customer. Rail passengers should not be used as transport case in a Fordist system, but actually seen as passengers.

My tip of the Brussels EU leaders: Let it stand for a day to their company cars and travel times by train to work, which is (now also underground) Luxembourg station, incidentally, directly to their workplace. Presumably, they will while waiting for the train this eerie atmosphere on the underground platform worried, why use them again the next day their company car and that although they belong to the target group of these stations.