Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bottomlessbathing Suits

"Brubbel" Wallenborn

One of the most famous and spectacular attractions of the volcanic Eifel region is without question the "end of Wall Born", a cold water geysir the village Wallenborn given its name and is most popularly called "Brubbel.

Brubbel Wall Born on 11.28.2010

In the village Wallenborn there is a large carbon deposits, which originates from the deep Magmaplume under the Eifel. The periodic outbreak of Brubbels (about every 35 minutes) which is related to the enrichment of ground water with carbon dioxide until the pressure becomes too great and must be dismantled.
The carbon dioxide builds up, however, not only by the outbreak of Brubbels, but can also escape into ground-level strata, which explains a young incident in the village. From a friend of the people article from 19.11. :

gas leaked: Roofing suffered carbon dioxide poisoning
A 32-year-old roofer has a house in Wallenborn (District Vulkaneifel) a carbon dioxide poisoning suffered. This was caused by leaking carbon dioxide.

The article also claims that would be installed in the village already in many homes ventilation systems, as well as some Wall natives with whom I have entertained me was news that they wanted as the Article does not remove completely.

can however be said that the still-existing volcanism of the Eifel to the people in any other city of the western Eifel enters active in appearance than in Wall Born.


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