Let's go in the district of Goslar, 11-y
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Difference Between Narrow And Medium Shoes
Colja's small Christmas market - Salzgitter-Bad (Niedersachsen)
gold coins Action Salzgitter-Bad.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Bottomlessbathing Suits
"Brubbel" Wallenborn
One of the most famous and spectacular attractions of the volcanic Eifel region is without question the "end of Wall Born", a cold water geysir the village Wallenborn given its name and is most popularly called "Brubbel.
Brubbel Wall Born on 11.28.2010
In the village Wallenborn there is a large carbon deposits, which originates from the deep Magmaplume under the Eifel. The periodic outbreak of Brubbels (about every 35 minutes) which is related to the enrichment of ground water with carbon dioxide until the pressure becomes too great and must be dismantled.
The carbon dioxide builds up, however, not only by the outbreak of Brubbels, but can also escape into ground-level strata, which explains a young incident in the village. From a friend of the people article from 19.11. :
can however be said that the still-existing volcanism of the Eifel to the people in any other city of the western Eifel enters active in appearance than in Wall Born.
One of the most famous and spectacular attractions of the volcanic Eifel region is without question the "end of Wall Born", a cold water geysir the village Wallenborn given its name and is most popularly called "Brubbel.
Brubbel Wall Born on 11.28.2010
In the village Wallenborn there is a large carbon deposits, which originates from the deep Magmaplume under the Eifel. The periodic outbreak of Brubbels (about every 35 minutes) which is related to the enrichment of ground water with carbon dioxide until the pressure becomes too great and must be dismantled.
The carbon dioxide builds up, however, not only by the outbreak of Brubbels, but can also escape into ground-level strata, which explains a young incident in the village. From a friend of the people article from 19.11. :
The article also claims that would be installed in the village already in many homes ventilation systems, as well as some Wall natives with whom I have entertained me was news that they wanted as the Article does not remove completely.
gas leaked: Roofing suffered carbon dioxide poisoning
A 32-year-old roofer has a house in Wallenborn (District Vulkaneifel) a carbon dioxide poisoning suffered. This was caused by leaking carbon dioxide.
can however be said that the still-existing volcanism of the Eifel to the people in any other city of the western Eifel enters active in appearance than in Wall Born.
Register Ovulation Calendar 1.0
all a very happy first Advent 2010
Soon it's time again! The first Christmas is soon approaching!!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Sweet Machine Candy Claw Info
map of Master degree programs at the regional and town planning
Some time ago I started with a GMaps card to my master degree programs subject, a rough guide on study opportunities to obtain. The idea I had this fake two friends who have a similar map created to master degree programs Geoinformatics . This map is publicly referred to by Google Maps and the editing is open to all, so that can be worked on this card!
Master's programs planning, town planning, etc. on a larger map
course, the transitions to other fields of fluid and the exact orientation of courses with similar names also switches between social science and engineering implications, so an unfortunately have no choice when the courses to be considered individually in detail.
Some time ago I started with a GMaps card to my master degree programs subject, a rough guide on study opportunities to obtain. The idea I had this fake two friends who have a similar map created to master degree programs Geoinformatics . This map is publicly referred to by Google Maps and the editing is open to all, so that can be worked on this card!
Master's programs planning, town planning, etc. on a larger map
course, the transitions to other fields of fluid and the exact orientation of courses with similar names also switches between social science and engineering implications, so an unfortunately have no choice when the courses to be considered individually in detail.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Pretty Woman Brown Spot Dress
The dilemma of a bus ride from downtown to the campus two
can Since the winter semester 2008/09, students at last the line 14 (previously 12) use the Geocampus on Petrisberg finally connects to change trains to the city center (at least Porta and HBF). This runs from January 2008 always xx: 45 and xx: 15 on platform 1 from the Porta so that the arrival times are coordinated with the lecture periods. In the few minutes before some other buses arrive at the adjacent bus platforms (2-3) to:
- line 3, five minutes before,
- Line 8, two minutes earlier,
- Line 5 and 13 simultaneously at xx: 45/xx: 15,
- Line 1 a minute later
For me as Campus2 student from the city (master station Karl-Marx-Haus), and many other students from the southern city follows a daily basis the problem is that the line 14 just in time (or better: over time) on platform 1, and leaves you miss this connection by slightly delayed heats of the above lines very often! Of course, you can then use the 3 / 13 is simply go further up the mountain, but the vote on the line 4 on the road carbon results in the same issue is that they rarely to incoming buses on the street regardless and takes just happened by sprinting on carbon road daily life-threatening situations. Then, of course, only the walk is about 1 km long road to the campus to get 2 and quite possibly too late to at quarter-to-x beginning course, though you could have with the line 14 by five-to-x as wanted to be!
A perfect solution to this dilemma would be if the line would be adjusted 14 on the arrival line 5 - even desirable in another direction! This possibility would Campus2 all students from the city center and also from the South City finally have a reliable Verbindung zum Campus 2 ermöglichen, wenn die Linie 14 auf die Linie 5 warten würde. Dazu würden diese beiden Linien auch am besten an zwei benachbarten Bussteigen (1+2, 2+3 oder 5+6) ankommen bzw. abfahren. Das selbe wäre dann auch in Gegenrichtung wünschenswert, wenn die Linie 5 Richtung Innenstadt-Süd-Weismark an einem der Bussteige am Simeonstiftsplatz auf Umsteiger der Linie 14 warten würde (diese wären aber nur ersichtlich, wenn die 14 am Busstg. 6 oder 7-9 ankommen würde, bevor sie zu einem der oberen Bussteige wieder zur Abfahrt fahren würde).
Da die Linien 5 und 14 beide aus der Stadt heraus in Stadtgebiete fahren, wo sonst wenige Linien fahren oder Connections would get would be a delay in the low single digits of minutes by this process manageable, which many passengers are already set (eg all traffic chaos in the ring or long traffic delays).
This constructive criticism of the power quality of the Trier city bus I get be the city works and have received the following reply:
can Since the winter semester 2008/09, students at last the line 14 (previously 12) use the Geocampus on Petrisberg finally connects to change trains to the city center (at least Porta and HBF). This runs from January 2008 always xx: 45 and xx: 15 on platform 1 from the Porta so that the arrival times are coordinated with the lecture periods. In the few minutes before some other buses arrive at the adjacent bus platforms (2-3) to:
- line 3, five minutes before,
- Line 8, two minutes earlier,
- Line 5 and 13 simultaneously at xx: 45/xx: 15,
- Line 1 a minute later
For me as Campus2 student from the city (master station Karl-Marx-Haus), and many other students from the southern city follows a daily basis the problem is that the line 14 just in time (or better: over time) on platform 1, and leaves you miss this connection by slightly delayed heats of the above lines very often! Of course, you can then use the 3 / 13 is simply go further up the mountain, but the vote on the line 4 on the road carbon results in the same issue is that they rarely to incoming buses on the street regardless and takes just happened by sprinting on carbon road daily life-threatening situations. Then, of course, only the walk is about 1 km long road to the campus to get 2 and quite possibly too late to at quarter-to-x beginning course, though you could have with the line 14 by five-to-x as wanted to be!
A perfect solution to this dilemma would be if the line would be adjusted 14 on the arrival line 5 - even desirable in another direction! This possibility would Campus2 all students from the city center and also from the South City finally have a reliable Verbindung zum Campus 2 ermöglichen, wenn die Linie 14 auf die Linie 5 warten würde. Dazu würden diese beiden Linien auch am besten an zwei benachbarten Bussteigen (1+2, 2+3 oder 5+6) ankommen bzw. abfahren. Das selbe wäre dann auch in Gegenrichtung wünschenswert, wenn die Linie 5 Richtung Innenstadt-Süd-Weismark an einem der Bussteige am Simeonstiftsplatz auf Umsteiger der Linie 14 warten würde (diese wären aber nur ersichtlich, wenn die 14 am Busstg. 6 oder 7-9 ankommen würde, bevor sie zu einem der oberen Bussteige wieder zur Abfahrt fahren würde).
Da die Linien 5 und 14 beide aus der Stadt heraus in Stadtgebiete fahren, wo sonst wenige Linien fahren oder Connections would get would be a delay in the low single digits of minutes by this process manageable, which many passengers are already set (eg all traffic chaos in the ring or long traffic delays).
This constructive criticism of the power quality of the Trier city bus I get be the city works and have received the following reply:
Good day,
you have many thoughts about the bus routes, but many thanks . Your suggestions will be incorporated into our considerations.
For currently running in our plans to schedule adjustments. An emphasis is also put on line 14 However, the solution is just not easy. Through the narrow roads in the Trier East, the buses may not meet the return trip here. This problem needs to be taken into account in the schedules.
We must therefore ask you to be patient. Such a large project is not feasible today to tomorrow, the result should then also be durable.
Thank you and best regards
SWT Stadtwerke Trier GmbH
Saturday, November 13, 2010
My Knuckle Is Swelling Ice Or Heat?
Mayak - a shining beacon
News in the media (eg in Spiegel Online ) is another planned Castor transport of nuclear waste a former East German nuclear research facility in Rossendorf near Dresden to Mayak in Russia. Majak what? Is there now but a repository? I then followed up this question again.
Weitere interessante Links zu dem Thema:
Zeit Online: Das Menetekel von Majak
ask1.org: Majak - Leuchtfeuer des nuklearen Wahnsinns (gute Zusammenfassung inkl. Karten)
News in the media (eg in Spiegel Online ) is another planned Castor transport of nuclear waste a former East German nuclear research facility in Rossendorf near Dresden to Mayak in Russia. Majak what? Is there now but a repository? I then followed up this question again.
- Majak translates as something like the lighthouse, and after World War II, one of the largest nuclear plant Russia
- Location: about 1700km east of Moscow, to the east of the Ural Mountains, between the large cities Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk
- environmental aspects have never played a role: from 1949 to 1951, nuclear waste directly into the nearest river ( Techa ), which for 120 000 Menschen die Trinkwasserquelle darstellt
- nach Bekanntwerden von Erkrankungen im Einzugsgebiet des Tetscha wurde der Atommüll einfach in einen nahegelegenen See ( Karatschai ) gekippt! (bis 1953)
- 1957 ereignete sich ein Zwischenfall ( Kyschtym-Unfall ), bei dem eine ähnlich hohe Menge Radioaktivität freigesetzt wurde, wie 1986 in Tschernobyl, allerdings hat sich diese Menge nur lokal bis regional verteilt
- der Karatschai-See trocknete in den 1960er-Jahren zum Teil aus, sodass radioaktiver Staub mit dem Wind ca. eine halbe Million Menschen erreichte
- in der westlichen Welt wurden die Vorfälle erstmals 1976 bekannt, von Atomlobbyisten jedoch als unglaubwürdig classified - along the lines that nuclear power would be safe and clean
- the Russian government Kyshtym accident confirmed only in 1989!
- the operation of the nuclear plant was set in 2003, now the plant is used as storage facility for international nuclear waste
- the Karachay Lake is still one of the most contaminated places on earth, it is possible that by the radioactivity of the groundwater has a way into the Ob river system paves and achieve sooner or later the Arctic Ocean is
Weitere interessante Links zu dem Thema:
Zeit Online: Das Menetekel von Majak
ask1.org: Majak - Leuchtfeuer des nuklearen Wahnsinns (gute Zusammenfassung inkl. Karten)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
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