Sunday, September 12, 2010

Place Seating Ideas/frame

As the purpose association wants to sell the abolition of the current regional train in the Eifel range improvement

As of December 2013 will start on the Eifel Euskirchen-distance Cologne-Trier Gerolstein a new traffic concept.

Today's offer: RE
12: 2h-stroke, holds only in larger places, traveling time K-Tr: 2:40
RE 22: 2h-stroke holds between Trier and Kall everywhere, supplemented between Kall and Cologne, the RE12 for every hour, travel time 3:23 (between Gerolstein and Trier as RB83, see below)
RB 24: hour between Kall and Cologne, all holding
RB 83: hour between Gerolstein and Trier (there = RE22)

That is, have the exhibit between Kall and Cologne all the major places an attractive range of hourly fast regional train connections, plus the hourly regional train traveling on 24, which is also the small places an hourly service. Gerolstein between Trier and the offer is as attractive, except that the larger places are from the faster Regional Express operates only in the two-hour intervals. Problem children of the Eifel track sind also die Orte zwischen Kall und Gerolstein: die größeren (Jünkerath, Blankenheim, Nettersheim) werden in etwa stündlich abwechselnd von RE 12 und RE 22 bedient, die kleineren dagegen nur alle zwei Stunden vom RE 22, der in diesem Abschnitt zwar RE heißt, aber erst nördlich von Kall auch wirklich ein Expresszug wird.

Jetzt zum neuen Konzept, das der Eifelstrecke südlich von Kall einige Änderungen bringen wird und vom SPNV-Nord (Zweckverband Schienenpersonennahverkehr Nord) im Rahmen des Rheinland-Pfalz-Takt 2015 folgenderweise angekündigt wird:
Neue stündliche RE-Direktverbindungen
Trier – Köln: Keep up with all Kall, from there to Cologne than RE
New Sprinterzugpaare
Approximate 3 Sprinterzugpaare Trier - Cologne, the Eifel-line with only a few stops and a journey time of around 2:25 hours

Source: brochure stroke in 2015
you announce a "new" Re-direct connection from Trier to Cologne, which will operate hourly. What is announced there is the train running today as RE22 through the Eifel and in travelers because of its long journey rather unpopular, so many Eifeler prefer to use the fast RE 12 and it also, for example to Gerolstein or Jünkerath by car . go Even travelers who von Trier do prefer to Cologne, the RE 12 due to its shorter travel time (difference 40 minutes!).
Between Trier and Gerolstein, the new proposal is therefore be a worse offer! Trains that stop everywhere go, today every hour and are unpopular with travelers from the peripheral parts of the Eifel. The announced Sprinter trains are not a classic clock supply and only three of which are clearly not enough, so that sprinters can not be seen as a substitute for the RE12! The new hourly service can reach through the elimination of the RE12 some travel time gains on single-track sections (the total journey time could improve it by about 20 min), it would aber immer noch bei knapp über drei Stunden liegen! Die Sprinterfahrzeit soll 2:25 betragen, was der heutige RE12 mit modernen beschleunigungsstarken Fahrzeugen auch schaffen könnte.
Positiv zu erwähnen ist jedoch die Angebotsverbesserung für alle kleinen Orte zwischen Gerolstein und Kall, denn diese werden mit dem neuen Angebot endlich den lange überfälligen Stundentakt erhalten.
Ein weiterer positiver Effekt des neuen Konzepts ist definitiv die Umsetzung eines Integralen Taktfahrplans, sodass sich in Trier stündlich Züge aus allen Richtungen treffen und umgestiegen werden kann. So werden Bahnreisen aus der Eifel nach Luxemburg oder ins Saarland attraktiver.

Schlussfolgerung: Leider erleidet die Eifelstrecke deterioration in the southern part of an offer that will sell on the Association as "a new hourly direct services." The Eifel national transport route loses even more importance and many potential car drivers will be deterred them, only to take a "stroll through train" to Trier! Instead of travel time gains to be achieved by the elimination of the REs, more investment in the route would be necessary. With a fully restored duplication could be produced not only on the entire route a better offer, but also reduce the vulnerability of the delay line.


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