Monday, September 13, 2010

Football Abdomen With Fluttering Sensations

Vulkaneifel: quarrying contrasting preservation of the cultural landscape

Evelin Lemke (B90/Grüne) schreibt in einem Artikel bzgl. des zukünftig geplanten Gesteinsabbau in der Vulkaneifel u.a. folgendes:

"[...]Das Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau (LGB), die zuständige Behörde, hat inzwischen entsprechende Vorschläge auf dem Tisch. Für die Vulkaneifel hätten die vom LGB vorgelegten Pläne mittel- bis langfristig verheerende Folgen. Nach Berechnungen des Nabu Daun werden derzeit auf etwa 400 Hektar Fläche Lava and basalt exploitation; the LBG provides for the removal of an area of up to 2,200 hectares alone in the Eifel district. This would lead to the disappearance of other volcanic mountains - and to a distortion of the landscape. [...]

already taken place disfigurement of the unique volcanic landscape of the Eifel is documented in a gallery of the NABU down (see below) , here are some examples (click the picture opens at the GMaps-satellite view):

Goßberg Walsdorf:

Wartgesberg Strohn:

It is always spoken often of compromises, the extension to the 5-fold the current mining area can never be regarded as a compromise and must be prevented to preserve the unique characteristics of the volcanic Eifel region. The extinct volcanic cones, with the lakes, the unique feature of the landscape, without which the Eifel a replaceable and would be uninteresting to many tourists highland landscape.


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