Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beige Paint Color With


A man, a woman and a dog meet under quaint circumstances in a turned world.

This miniature can be read as a metaphor about tunnel vision and the muse it takes to wake up!


with: Cristina Grosan, Gabriel Körbler, Amigo.

Screenplay: Julianne Becker.

Photography: Nyoszoli Ákos.

Boom Operator: Matthias Glanznig.

Music: Dalibor Kocián.

Dog trainer: Lucia Cibulova.

Storyboard: Laure Goemans.

Clap loader & location scout: Michal Liba.

Editor, producer, director: Dave Lojek.


Perspective was made in 3 days without budget at the KinoKabaret Bratislava / Slovakia.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Lacey Duvalle Contact Info

The only bicycle lift in the world

why cities such as Luxembourg or Trier probably never a reputation as a Cyclists gain city like Amsterdam and Münster are largely due to topographic conditions. To make cycling in mountainous regions more attractive, such as electric bikes are sold, which will leave the average consumer but a very high level of investment. Another option is the simplified crossing of a height difference, which is possible in most cities by public transport, but the space available for bikes in this is very limited (especially on routes with high passenger volume).

A further idea was the third largest Norwegian city of Trondheim in the 90s: there was the first bicycle lift the world that Sykkelheisen Trampe ! This lift fits without a large building with its surroundings, since it consists only of a small valley and mountain station, and a rail on the side of the road a steep route. Along the rail, a base plate is pulled, reminiscent of a jump start for sprinters on the sports field, on which one is supported with the right foot. This plate then pushes up the driver with the bike in a reasonable speed, the pitch. This system will, however, suitable only for short distances, because the leg is usually overloaded.

This lift and million-dollar investment in cycle routes and infrastructure have ensured that use of the 30,000 students in Trondheim 90% of their bike as primary transportation. The lift has pushed up in 15 years of operating time 220 000 cyclists the mountain!
Official Homepage:

little anecdote: I'm on this lift came across the Wikipedia page of the city, which I watched after Leverkusen with a 4-0 Rosenborg Trondheim in the Champions League sent home!

Syncope And Near Syncope

ride to the waterfall Nohner

Nohner waterfall, originally uploaded by ce1112

I this week on a cycling tour Eifel Hillesheim and the bike path to the waterfall three mills (at Nohn) made. The bike path runs in part on an old railway line and there is unfortunately part of a solid gravel base, which is why it is not suitable for all bikes. Since the bike path rarely crosses major roads and has no extreme pitch parts, it is recommended for family outings. Even better, of course, a more consistent use of the old railway embankment would have been, but which would have required many new bridges! At the height of the waterfall, he runs to even through the inlet (consisting of a small spring creek) why water guards would be recommended in any case:)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Winlogon C000021a -xp

course in marketing 2.0

Some program managers have been the sign of the times and try with new modern marketing formats to appeal to potential students. What medium could attract the current generation of young people better than short web clips?

If you click on the image you get two Internet clips of the course Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the University of Hanover with a famous face advertising!

here or a promotional clip of the Division of Architecture and Urban Planning University of Ghent, Belgium (clip in Flemish, but the most important one is expected as a German auch verstehen können)

Promotiefilm Burgerlijk Ingenieur-Architect (UGent) from UGent Architectuur on Vimeo .

Monday, September 13, 2010

Football Abdomen With Fluttering Sensations

Vulkaneifel: quarrying contrasting preservation of the cultural landscape

Evelin Lemke (B90/Grüne) schreibt in einem Artikel bzgl. des zukünftig geplanten Gesteinsabbau in der Vulkaneifel u.a. folgendes:

"[...]Das Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau (LGB), die zuständige Behörde, hat inzwischen entsprechende Vorschläge auf dem Tisch. Für die Vulkaneifel hätten die vom LGB vorgelegten Pläne mittel- bis langfristig verheerende Folgen. Nach Berechnungen des Nabu Daun werden derzeit auf etwa 400 Hektar Fläche Lava and basalt exploitation; the LBG provides for the removal of an area of up to 2,200 hectares alone in the Eifel district. This would lead to the disappearance of other volcanic mountains - and to a distortion of the landscape. [...]

already taken place disfigurement of the unique volcanic landscape of the Eifel is documented in a gallery of the NABU down (see below) , here are some examples (click the picture opens at the GMaps-satellite view):

Goßberg Walsdorf:

Wartgesberg Strohn:

It is always spoken often of compromises, the extension to the 5-fold the current mining area can never be regarded as a compromise and must be prevented to preserve the unique characteristics of the volcanic Eifel region. The extinct volcanic cones, with the lakes, the unique feature of the landscape, without which the Eifel a replaceable and would be uninteresting to many tourists highland landscape.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Place Seating Ideas/frame

As the purpose association wants to sell the abolition of the current regional train in the Eifel range improvement

As of December 2013 will start on the Eifel Euskirchen-distance Cologne-Trier Gerolstein a new traffic concept.

Today's offer: RE
12: 2h-stroke, holds only in larger places, traveling time K-Tr: 2:40
RE 22: 2h-stroke holds between Trier and Kall everywhere, supplemented between Kall and Cologne, the RE12 for every hour, travel time 3:23 (between Gerolstein and Trier as RB83, see below)
RB 24: hour between Kall and Cologne, all holding
RB 83: hour between Gerolstein and Trier (there = RE22)

That is, have the exhibit between Kall and Cologne all the major places an attractive range of hourly fast regional train connections, plus the hourly regional train traveling on 24, which is also the small places an hourly service. Gerolstein between Trier and the offer is as attractive, except that the larger places are from the faster Regional Express operates only in the two-hour intervals. Problem children of the Eifel track sind also die Orte zwischen Kall und Gerolstein: die größeren (Jünkerath, Blankenheim, Nettersheim) werden in etwa stündlich abwechselnd von RE 12 und RE 22 bedient, die kleineren dagegen nur alle zwei Stunden vom RE 22, der in diesem Abschnitt zwar RE heißt, aber erst nördlich von Kall auch wirklich ein Expresszug wird.

Jetzt zum neuen Konzept, das der Eifelstrecke südlich von Kall einige Änderungen bringen wird und vom SPNV-Nord (Zweckverband Schienenpersonennahverkehr Nord) im Rahmen des Rheinland-Pfalz-Takt 2015 folgenderweise angekündigt wird:
Neue stündliche RE-Direktverbindungen
Trier – Köln: Keep up with all Kall, from there to Cologne than RE
New Sprinterzugpaare
Approximate 3 Sprinterzugpaare Trier - Cologne, the Eifel-line with only a few stops and a journey time of around 2:25 hours

Source: brochure stroke in 2015
you announce a "new" Re-direct connection from Trier to Cologne, which will operate hourly. What is announced there is the train running today as RE22 through the Eifel and in travelers because of its long journey rather unpopular, so many Eifeler prefer to use the fast RE 12 and it also, for example to Gerolstein or Jünkerath by car . go Even travelers who von Trier do prefer to Cologne, the RE 12 due to its shorter travel time (difference 40 minutes!).
Between Trier and Gerolstein, the new proposal is therefore be a worse offer! Trains that stop everywhere go, today every hour and are unpopular with travelers from the peripheral parts of the Eifel. The announced Sprinter trains are not a classic clock supply and only three of which are clearly not enough, so that sprinters can not be seen as a substitute for the RE12! The new hourly service can reach through the elimination of the RE12 some travel time gains on single-track sections (the total journey time could improve it by about 20 min), it would aber immer noch bei knapp über drei Stunden liegen! Die Sprinterfahrzeit soll 2:25 betragen, was der heutige RE12 mit modernen beschleunigungsstarken Fahrzeugen auch schaffen könnte.
Positiv zu erwähnen ist jedoch die Angebotsverbesserung für alle kleinen Orte zwischen Gerolstein und Kall, denn diese werden mit dem neuen Angebot endlich den lange überfälligen Stundentakt erhalten.
Ein weiterer positiver Effekt des neuen Konzepts ist definitiv die Umsetzung eines Integralen Taktfahrplans, sodass sich in Trier stündlich Züge aus allen Richtungen treffen und umgestiegen werden kann. So werden Bahnreisen aus der Eifel nach Luxemburg oder ins Saarland attraktiver.

Schlussfolgerung: Leider erleidet die Eifelstrecke deterioration in the southern part of an offer that will sell on the Association as "a new hourly direct services." The Eifel national transport route loses even more importance and many potential car drivers will be deterred them, only to take a "stroll through train" to Trier! Instead of travel time gains to be achieved by the elimination of the REs, more investment in the route would be necessary. With a fully restored duplication could be produced not only on the entire route a better offer, but also reduce the vulnerability of the delay line.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Snowmobile Ontario Salvage And Parts

Bike Trip to Liege - Part 2

The "bicycle" in the title I could now almost omit because of the bike leg of the tour is over and we sit in the IR train from Luxembourg to the SNCB Liège (Fr. Liège) after we are gone before just 75km by bike through the Eifel, Venn and Ardennes. Although it was never far away, I've never been to Liege and was excited about what this city - which can be seen as the cradle of industrialization in continental Europe - has to offer.
We arrive early afternoon at the new main train station of Liège Liège-Guillemin, who was by the famous architect Santiago Calatrava designed - there are two views:

From Liege run based high-speed lines to Aachen and Cologne, and to Brussels and Paris, so the station is of great importance for long-distance traffic between France, Belgium and Germany. After a tour of the building and the search for the bike garage (very hidden about 200 meters from the main entrance on the side of the station) we went to the city.
As it so often the main station behaves, which is not situated directly in / on the inner city, one must first find as those unfamiliar with the way there (which should also go so many in Trier). The footpath at the end amounted to about 25 minutes until we are in a typical Belgium pedestrian zone with numerous food stalls (waffles, pancakes, etc.) and chocolate shops again found. The roads in the Liège city are mainly applied in the grid, so that even with the many side streets did not lose its bearings. Made the streets less the impression of a department store interchangeable track, as it is known from German cities, the capital letters and ampersand have yet to be found. Liege seems to be a city with many contrasts, so is impressive with many department stores are vacant lots or more run-down building facades in the neighborhood. Just as in Antwerp, Liege Cathedral in downtown is pretty obstructed, even if it is not as impressive as long as the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp in .

Before the Episcopal Palace is one of the few major sites located in the inner city, who also is also a central bus station. Directly to this place closes, the old market square (see photo), which is reserved mainly for the outdoor dining. Now you are in the old town, coeur historique (dt historic heart), where, however, is not much left of old buildings remain. The bike is still in the legs, we still could not stop them from climbing the stairs to the Montagne de Bueren (about 400 steps). Along the staircase there are normal houses am sehr steilen Hang. Ich könnte mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass der Postausträger in dieser Straße durch Strohhalmziehen ermittelt wird.

Vom Berg bot sich dann jedenfalls eine weite Aussicht über die Stadt!

Wieder unten in der Stadt angekommen, sehen wir uns weitere Viertel außerhalb der Innenstadt an und eine ganz große Ähnlichkeit mit Paris fällt auf: genau wie das Seine-Ufer der französischen Weltstadt ist auch das Maas-Ufer in Lüttich komplett mit Stadtautobahnen zugebaut, sodass dort keinerlei Aufenthaltsqualität besteht. Weiterhin reihen sich viele Eyesores of the 20th Century (crumbling concrete walls, etc.) together. But why in addition to the built over the river banks of Liege is still "the Paris of Belgium," called?

The answer to this question, we found many narrow side streets of the pedestrian zone, we have found the bar district of Liege, the Carré. Even in the late afternoon the streets were filled with many young people, such a driver from pubs would be unthinkable in Germany and I had known previously only from the francophone space. The Carré with its traditional (and alternative) Bars has ironed out in the end a lot of bad impressions of the city again.

Fazit von Lüttich: die Stadt leidet aufgrund seiner industriellen Vergangenheit und der dadurch bedingten Strukturprobleme an einem schlechten Ruf, der sich nun im neuen Jahrtausend langsam zu erholen beginnt. Prestigeobjekte wie der neue Hauptbahnhof sind nicht zufällig in den letzten Jahren gebaut worden, insgesamt hat die Stadt aber noch viel mehr Entwicklungspotential. Vor allem viele alte Gebäude, Betonburgen und ihre Fassaden sollten saniert werden und Relikte der autogerechten Stadt zurückgebaut werden. Die rege Bautätigkeit in der Stadt lässt aber darauf schließen, dass Lüttich sein Gesicht in den nächsten Jahren noch weiter verändern wird.

Should I Thaw Sausages Before Cooking Them

Bike Trip to Liege - Part 1

Los ging der Fahrradtrip with the aim of Liège (Belgium) on an April morning, with the best cycling weather, cheerful and pleasant temperatures.

start of the tour was the train station on the Upper Jünkerath Kyll. From there, the Kyll Valley Cycle Route was followed up the river through the villages Glaadt, Niederkyll Stadtkyll and until the Crown Burger lake was reached, accumulate in the headwaters of several Kyll.
was at the western end of the lake, then further up the river (the slope makes itself felt slowly but surely) Frauenkron by the official signs along the Kyll Valley Cycle Route, which will be seen later as a mistake. Really steep, it is then that is behind Frauenkron, after the Western Wall was happening, where the signs posted around a seemingly random dirt roads in the forested headwaters of the Kyll. It is therefore a roller-coaster ride was more or less muddy dirt roads, plus tw. Slalom the aftermath of the recent storm lows. After the ups and downs through the woods then dither the vertex of our bike tour was reached, which is also the border with Belgium: Losheimergraben (. 675m above sea level). In retrospect it might have been better to drive on the highway impact Losheim Hall. The dismantled a few years ago running parallel line was unfortunately not (yet) turned into a bike path.
why it went from Losheimergraben continue through the country roads toward Malmedy. This route is mainly here on the High Moor - an area with few deep valleys. These come again until Waimes (Valley of Warchenne), where you already can see work on a bike path along the old railway line Jünkerath-Losheim-Malmedy-Trois Ponts (the cycle track was released in late August 2010!). Before Waimes also the German-French-speaking language barrier has been exceeded. After they had climbed the last pitch behind Waimes, you could be the last 4km to Malmedy nice roll.
stayed overnight in the hostel Malmedy, located just outside the city center in the Valley of Warche. This is highly recommended: clean, modern and a great breakfast (the night has cost 18 €).

that we would make it to Liege not complete with bicycle was actually clear before, that was the minimum target of a bike station in Coo (known for the waterfall), which were then achieved in the morning. Again, we were unfortunately a few months too early, because the bike path was under construction and we had tw. Continue on feeder road, the highways were to the abbey town of Stavelot also highly frequented.
Before the train went to Liege, has not yet reviewed the waterfall. This is with 15 Meters high, the largest waterfall in Belgium and was created by man in order to shorten a Talmäander of Amel (Fr. Amblève). In the former river bed is now a large reservoir of a pumped storage power plant (see google earth view).

the station had too little time should be spent, because the trains on the railway line Gouvy-Luxembourg-Liège, unfortunately, only two hours. With the arrival of the IR-train SNCB we were right kind received by the conductor, who advised us to the bikes in a first-class compartment to stop the train, where we then also after the purchase of tickets (Coo-Liège and bicycle ticket) were allowed to remain seated. Such a friendly Behavior is not one of the conductors DB usual.

Liege to the city I will go in the second part .

Larger Map

conclusion of the tour:
The challenging route through the headwaters of the Kyll, and the Belgian country roads invite actually not particularly to cycling for "normal" cyclists like me. The entire route (ca.75km) I would however like to go again in a few years when the old railway line was completely rebuilt into a cycle and represent an attractive east-west connection.