Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rca. To Componet Adaptor

GIS and pop culture

The term "GIS" (Geographic Information System) Otto-Normal Estimated to start today rather little, far known are in the process but now everyday Internet map services (Google Maps, Virtual Earth ViaMichelin, Map24, ...) or new location-based services (Four Square, Facebook Places) become. With Google Earth in recent years, however, an easy to use desktop GIS reaches a wide range of users, so this is now just as the oben genannten Dienste in der Popkultur Erwähnung findet, was über Witze à la "Deine Mutter macht Passfotos in Google Earth" hinausgeht:

In einer vor kurzem veröffentlichten Folge der in New York spielenden Sitcom How I Met Your Mother bewegten sich sämtliche Hauptdarsteller innerhalb Manhattans auf verschiedenen Wegen (und Transportmitteln) zu einem Ziel, was dann mehrmals mithilfe einer Bing-Karten-Ansicht dargestellt wurde:
Dazu sollte allerdings erwähnt werden, dass die ganze Folge mehr oder weniger eine Microsoft-Werbung war, in der neben Bing Maps auch die Bing Search, eine XBox, der Internet Explorer und Windows7 Auftritte erhielten.

The Canadian band Arcade Fire recently launched an interactive music video for the song We used to wait (from the current album The Suburbs - highly recommended!) Published can enter where the user's place of residence and, based on an HTML5 music video gets offered with Google Maps Street View and views of his district. Go to the video:

comes But even a recent comedy Easy A (engl. title: Easy to have the trailer) with a Google-Earth-metaphor, in its introduction, the main character (played by Emma Stone), the following example presents:
"I used to be anonymous, invisible to the opposite sex If Google Earth was a guy, he could not find me if I was dressed up as a ten story building. "

In the coming months or years is certainly the newer site-specific . occur increasingly in the focus of films or serials But whether'll find anywhere UMN Mapserver or ArcGIS in mainstream production use, it can - but need not -. to doubt the analysis and correction of aerial photographs or the prosecution of Foursquare check but the narrative would be material for one or the other detective series.


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