Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Son Drank Baby Oil

GIS Exercise 2

Zunächst muss man die Grundeinstellungen vornehmen. Hierzu wählt man Einstellungen und dann Optionen .
Es öffnet sich ein neues Fenster:
Im Register Kartenwerkzeugen wählt man „Bessel 1841“ als Ellipsoid zur Distanzberechung aus.
Im Register KBS aktiviert man „KBS abfragen“.

Nun werden die Projekteinstellungen vorgenommen. Hierzu wählt man Einstellungen und dann Projekteinstellungen
Es öffnet sich ein neues Fenster:
In the General tab, you can now Project title "Exercise 2". The map units are set to "meter" and save paths to "relative". In the register
Coordinate Reference System (KBS) to set DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 2 (EPSG ID 31 466) a.
Next, you select in the tool bar, and then "Open a new project."

Step 3: MAPS
\\ Data \\ Reserves \\ Natura2000 \\ VSG_RLP.shp (bird sanctuaries in RLP)
\\ Data \\ Reserves \\ Natura2000 \\ FFH_RLP.shp (FFH areas in RLP)
\\ Data \\ Administrative boundaries \\ Landkreise.shp (counties in RLP)

a) county boundaries of the districts of Birkenfeld and Bernkastel-Wittlich
Open attribute table of the districts, then open the "Advanced Search":
NAME = Birkenfeld OR NAME = Bernkastel-Wittlich
"test" then select. The number of search results is displayed. Then press "ok". Save selection as shapefile "The next right-clicking on it and
Layer Name: LK_BIR_WIL.shp

b) Complete Bird Areas that are affected by both counties
choose in the formula bar" vector ", then" research tools "and "After heading select"
as input layer and choose VSG_RLP as an overlay layer LK_BIR_WIL. Then you press "ok" and the results may add a new layer.
Layer Name: VSG_BIR_WIL.shp

c) Full FFH_Gebiete affected by both counties
choose in the formula bar "vector", then "research tools" and "Select by position
The input layer choose FFH_RLP and as an overlay layer LK_BIR_WIL. Then you press "ok" and the results may add a new layer.
Layer Name: FFH_BIR_WIL.shp

d) bird protection areas or subdivisions within the two counties (as intersection)
In the formula bar "vector", then select "Geoverarbeitungswerkzeuge" and "intersections"
The input layer choose VSG_BIR_WIL and clipping at Layer choose LK_BIR_WIL. Then click on "Search" is the layer name VSG_BIR_WIL_intersect and then "ok".

e) FFH-areas or sub-regions within the two counties (as intersection)
In the formula bar "vector", then select "Geoverarbeitungswerkzeuge" and "intersections"
selected as the input layer FFH_BIR_WIL selects one bracket and one in layer LK_BIR_WIL. Then click on "Search" is the layer name FFH_BIR_WIL_intersect and then "ok".

f) buffer zone of 200m around VSG_BIR_WIL_intersect (ausflösen combine Pufferegebnis /)
In the formula bar "vector", then select "Geoverarbeitungswerkzeuge" and "buffer"
The input layer choose VSG_BIR_WIL_intersect, buffer distance 200 and dissolve selected buffer result. Then click on "Search" is a VSG_BIR_WIL_Puffer200 the layer name and then "ok".

g) buffer zone of 200m around FFH_BIR_WIL_intersect (Ausflösen Pufferegebnis merge /)
choose in the formula bar "vector", then "Geoverarbeitungswerkzeuge" and "buffer"
The input layer choose FFH_BIR_WIL_intersect, buffer distance 200 and elects to resolve buffer result. Then click on "Search" is a FFH_BIR_WIL_Puffer200 the layer name and then "ok".

Step 5: Create Quick Print
for the geographical expansion of the layers LK_BIR_WIL is now a pdf file (A2 format) can be created. This is done using the extension "Quick Print"

Monday, May 3, 2010

Have To Tie My Hair Up But Have Big Ears

GIS Exercise 1 - Part 2 task

Arbeitsschritte ´
- Quantum-GIS-Projekt -

Aufgabe war es ein Quantum-GIS-Projekt zu erstellen. Auf der Grundlage einer Topographischen Karte 100 musste man die Verwaltungsgrenzen der Landkreise, Verwaltungsgrenzen und Ortsgemeinden darstellen. Zusätzlich waren die Naturschutzgebiete darzustellen.

Zunächst muss man die Grundeinstellungen vornehmen. Hierzu wählt man Einstellungen und dann Optionen .
Es öffnet sich ein neues Fenster:
The tab tools choose "Bessel 1841" as ellipsoid to Distanzberechung. In KBS
register to enable "KBS Names.

are now carried out the project settings. This, choose Settings, and then Project Settings. It opens a new window:
the General tab you can now Project title "Exercise 1" here. The map units are set to "meter" and save paths to "relative". In the register
Coordinate Reference System (KBS) to set DHDN / Gauss-Kruger zone 2 (EPSG ID 31 466) a.
Next, you select the toolbar File, then Open New Project.

Step 3: Insert
With the tool "Raster Layer Add" to import the first topographic map 100 as a basis. Then the files for counties, unitary councils, local communities and protected areas with the tool "Add vector layer.

Step 4: EDIT
Now you arrange the layers in a meaningful order: Topographic map 100  protected areas  local communities  unitary councils  counties

Right-click on a layer can be the properties of the layer . Edit
representation: The layer must have veschiedene outline strengths and colors and fill colors. The nature reserves have to be additionally marked with a hatch. Additionally, you can edit the transparency of the layer, so that all the major lines identified.
caption: will local communities and protected areas now in matching colors labeled

Step 6: Save
If your settings were and the card is ready. The project can be saved. For this you choose File, then Save Project as

La Fitness Seattle, Cost

GIS Exercise 1 - Part 1 task

first What is a Gauss-Krüger-System (GK) system?
The Gauss-Krüger coordinate system is a Cartesian coordinate system. It allows sufficiently small areas of the globe with metric coordinates, ie Easting and Northing to locate, compliant.
The grid of geographical coordinates is divided into 3 ° wide meridian strips. Each meridian strip goes from the North to the South Pole so-called parallel to its central meridian. The central meridians Meridian adjacent strips are therefore 3 ° apart.
Each meridian strip is given a code number, which is derived from the number of degrees of the central meridian (0 °, 3 °, 6 ,...)

second Which units are to GK coordinates?

There are legal values and high values in the SI unit Meters are given.

third What is an ellipsoid, which is used in the GK system?
An ellipsoid is a higher-dimensional equivalent of an ellipse.
level sections of this body shall all ellipses or circles dar. The surface of the ellipsoid can be described mathematically, so that positions are specified by coordinates on the surface.
An ellipsoid that approximates most closely the surface of the whole earth is called a global geodetic datum. When GK is
system (also called Bessel 1841), the Bessel ellipsoid used. It was derived in 1841 by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel. The data was large-scale Measurements.

4th Which Project is based on the Gauss-Krüger system? (Briefly explain)
The Gauss-Krüger system is based on a Transverse Mercator projection. Here, a cylinder is placed around the earth, it touches the equator. Transferring now all points on the cylinder and rolls them, one obtains a two-dimensional map of the earth. Since this is not angle-preserving, the map is distorted in North-South direction.

5th What is the difference between geographic and projected Cartesian coordinates?

Geographic coordinates are the coordinates of the position of a point on the Earth's surface. This is based on a graticule consisting of longitude and latitude. The starting points are the equator and the prime meridian.
Geographic coordinates are ALSO in the angular setting of points on the surface, starting from the equator, and uses the zero meridian.
Cartesian coordinates describing the position of a point in space. Reference system is a two-or three-axis orthogonal system, consisting of the axes x, y, (z).

6th Why are used in the GK system called meridian strip?
Man you tried distortions in the Mercator projection, north and south of the equator caused by so-called reduce meridian strip. The earth is here divided in 3 ° wide strips (strips Meridian). Each of these strips is a separate rectangular coordinate system dar. The x-axis coordinate system is related to the respective central meridian, which refers to the y-axis is always on the equator.

7th As you can see the number of the meridian strip used in a coordinate?

The code is the first in the coordinate, each principal meridian has its own identification number that is calculated by dividing by the number of degrees of the main meridian by 3 divided