Monday, November 30, 2009

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third Exercise - First impressions of the program Adobe Photoshop

I previously had little Experience with image editing programs. I've just never changed the contrast and brightness of images. So I took an introductory period, to come to terms with Adobe Photoshop. With the help of the script and trying out different tools, I was able then to create the postcards. The program is very übersichtilich and after a while individual steps are falling easily. Working with layers simplifies the job of creating collages. It can always fixes to individual objects are made.

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3.Übung - Photoshop

The object of this exercise was two postcards (one subjective, one objective) of our home town using the program to design Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is let a professional image editing program to cut to the
such as images, retouch or equalize.
Using Photoshop can therefore easily create collages.

- is first to develop an idea and collected the corresponding images. The footage can now be opened and also worked in parallel to Collage - (10x15 cm here)
in Adobe Photoshop to create a blank sheet and then formatted to include the desired image size.
- There are several tools (tools) in the toolbar, which work with the images can. Some of these tools have been used in the creation of collage.
- After the completion of the two postcards had a will be selected and sent by mail to the chair!

image basis:

Ready Postcards:
1.Objektive Postcard:

2.Subjektive Postcard:

Postcard 1: Objective visual
here were built some of the figures representing the building and in a rural atmosphere. The town is dominated by coal mining and hydroelectric power generation, therefore, some aspects of the selected point daruf.

Postcard 2: Subjective View
were highlighted here, the power plant and the delivery platform, as these are the most striking thing in town. The bright colors make the contrast between the industry (red) and living in the city (green) dar.

How to:

* The change in size of are objects or the big picture there are different applications.

The transforming one uses, for example, to scale some areas. This is useful for objects to be inserted to bring to an adequate size.
-> for example: Figure 1 - Power plant, Figure 2 - Förderturm

The can image size under "image" changed werden.Zusätzlich in the menu bar can be determined nor the resolution and color modes, and color corrections.
-> eg: based on postcard size 10x15 cm

The bring about adjustment of brightness, Kontrastes, der Sättigung und der Farbtöne kann man ebenfalls in der Menüleiste auswählen.
--> z.B. Bild 2 - extreme Frabkontraste und Farbverfälschung

*Mit Hilfe verschiedener Tools wurden Elemente in die Bildgrundlage eingebaut.
Objekte ausschneiden und in die Collage einsetzten konnte man durch Nutzen des Magnetischen-Lasso-Werkzeuges, des Zauberstabs und des Auswahlrechtecks.

Das Magnetische-Lasso-Werkzeug erstellt Freihandauswahlen. Diese passen sich automatisch einer kontrastreichen Kontur an.
--> z.B.:Bild 1 - Wappen, Bild 2 - Kirche

Der Zauberstab wählt bestimmte Farben aus, auch ähnliche Farbwerte.Im Menü kann man zusätzlich einstellen, welche Farbwerte toleriert werden und welche Pixel im Bild betroffen sein sollen.
--> z.B.:Bild 1 - Bäume, Bild 2 - Personen

Das Auswahlrechteck hilft bei der Fotomontage und partieller Farbkorrektur.
--> z.B. Bild 1 + 2 - Schild

*Ausbesserungen und Vervielfältigung von Objekten ist mit Hilfe von Stempelwerkzeugen möglich.

Das Kopierstempel-Werkzeug überträgt Bildinformationen von einem anderen Teil. Dieses Tool ist vorallem nützlich für Retusche.
--> z.B.: Bild 1 - Wiese + Qualm, Bild 2 - Sträucher

Monday, November 16, 2009

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2.Übung - Plan layout

Aufgabe war es einen Plan with the help of the "Coral Draw" to its layout. The arrangement, the label, the color and the font types were taken into account.
There were two raster maps of the railway repair work Kaiserslautern available: an urban planning model (scale 1:5000) and a structural plan (scale 1:2500).

(scale 1:5000)

(scale 1:2500)

work sections:
- Colorize Selected areas (working with multiple levels )

-Matching legend

The completed plan with the title block, map , legend, north arrow, scale etc.:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

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1.Übung - Setting up the Weblogs

setting up a weblog I was initially against such a clue. So I've
intensive and time taken first selected one of the specified weblog systems:
was explained step by step, like a blog is created. You had to select first the name and layout. Then you could make the blog even further, eg by changing the colors, fonts, insert images or links. If anything is unclear, recourse was possible to request help. (There is also a guide for getting started).
I was surprised that it was ultimately quite simple but the blog set up.

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1.Übung - Me and my studies

First I will introduce myself.
My name is Luise Hoffmann and I live near Saarbrücken.
This winter semester 2009/2010 I started the planning studies in Kaiserslautern and am curious what to expect.

Why I am studying spatial planning?

attention to this program, I was on the "Abi-was-then" show in Saarbrücken in November 2008. The University of Kaiserslautern there was a booth and I am informed about architecture and am also encountered planning.'ve Contents and spoke to me.
I've decided for the study of spatial planning. One reason it through the different areas that it covers, as sociology, ecology, economics, law, planning, etc, very varied. I especially like, that you can work creatively and artistically.
I can imagine that the job of planners is very versatile.
I find it interesting to be able to deal with me always new tasks and ideas to develop team work and to achieve.
I hope that fulfilled my expectations of the study and the profession!