Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Moms Anul Adventure .com

was, like Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the greatest polymath of the Renaissance. The French physicist and engineer engaged in addition to mechanical problems with the installation of baroque gardens.

DeCaus In 1614 came as a private tutor and garden architect of the electoral castle in Heidelberg. There he was for Elector Frederick of the Palatinate create the "Hortus Palatinus", the first Renaissance gardens in Germany. The outbreak des30-year war, however, prevented the completion of the terrace garden ..

During his time in Heidelberg constructed de Caus, a number of mechanical machines that were designed as consumer items, like a singing bird, or hydraulic pumps for fountains or water-powered organ machines. There were also plans to announce in a so-called cabinet of curiosities in Heidelberg Castle, also known as Wunderkammer to create. In these areas presented the suffering of acquisitiveness ruler of the 17th Jhrd. rare or in the context of the times "quaint" exhibits such as animals, fossils, dried plants, weapons and small mechanical experiments. Many of these curiosities were later on in the collections of natural history museums.

After the outbreak of war 30 years came in 1620 de Caus back in his native France, where he died 1626th Through the turmoil of war 30jahrigen his work fell into obscurity and was only in the middle of the 19th Jhrd. rediscovered. For this reason, de Caus is now relatively unknown.

exhibition by Salomon de Caus
In honor of Salomon de Caus' is held in Heidelberg in June 2008 an exhibition. In addition to the reproduction of engravings and realistic models of the mechanical experiments is a virtual exhibition concept for the presentation of the work of de Caus'.

The exhibition was organized by Richard Leiner (Leiner & Wolff GmbH, Heidelberg) and RĂ¼diger Mach (Mach: idea, Zurich) designed, created and configured. Official host, the Museum of the Palatinate in Heidelberg, is the natural history institution, private club Pollichia.
curio cabinet

is in close cooperation with those responsible made a 3-dimensional design of a curio cabinet and is loaded with curiosities. The designs will be submitted in an online publication published officially for exhibition, in addition, a draft as freely navigable part of the real-time environment Heidelberger de Caus exhibition.


* 3 Modeling of the Cabinet with Sketchup
* Texturing the model
* system of the virtual curiosities portfolio and integration in the Cabinet

as elective or double-cuff

For A and Ru

refers addition, a full day workshop with RĂ¼diger Mach / Zurich (technical project management, engineering and author) on modeling, animation, the person at the College de Caus instead.

information session: Wednesday, 31/10/2007 - 15:00 clock - cpe lab


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