Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What To Write On Sympathy Card

Issue: 19.12.07
submission: 16.01.08 up 11.45Uhr in the teaching field

select from the following locations in Kaiserslautern ( Altenhof, place in front of the Collegiate Church, Mainzer Tor, Martin Place, Schiller Platz, pen space, floor space rental) a place in the list depends on the notice board. This place is being processed both in Exercise 4 and 5, the choice is binding. -> Plan basics

Take pictures of interest to the space version facades, and enter the Photo Locations mit eindeutiger Identifikation in die Plangrundlage ein. Kleinere Rücksprünge und markante Dachaufbauten sind für die Darstellung des Platzes im 3d-Modell ebenfalls wichtig.

Entzerren sie anschließend die Fassadenfotos zu Texturen/Mappings mithilfe der in der Übung vorgestellten Techniken. Beachten Sie bei der Bearbeitung folgende Punkte:

• Orthogonale Aufnahme der Fotos ( Vermeidung stürzender Linien)
• Entfernen störender Elemente vor der Fassadenebene
• Reduction of the images in a meaningful power of two formats (POT), the images
should exceed 1024 * 1024 pixels at 72 dpi resolution
• Store owners in the JPG format

Order then the photo sites useful the original photography and the rectified facade. This layout a plan with the maximum size of DinA0.


• layouted plan with photo locations and rectified images in PDF
• Original photos in separate folders
• Rectified photos in separate folders

The exercises are groups of 2 to edit. Tax is one clean labeled CD in Jewelcase booklet included. Including registration number and editors. Failure to comply with these requirements is the practice failed.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Atlanta Stove Conestoga

The exercise series in this and next week dealing with the subject of image manipulation or with the problem of how to create a usable image from a forward mapping / texture.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Difference Between 0 And 1 On Withholding

properties in Gänserndorf

Gänserndorf In a lot of construction, the city is a popular place to live!

addition to the apartments' field alley "is also an active building activity regarding single-family homes.

currently being built in the former fields between Beethoven and Grillparzer lane street and there are still many undeveloped building land.

Die Bauten in der Feldgasse haben eine Menge Einwohner dazu gebracht nach Gänserndorf zu ziehen bzw. in Gänserndorf zu bleiben. Das ist gut so, stellt die Stadt aber vor neue Herausforderungen was den Verkehr betrifft.
Derzeit ist die Anbindung der Feldgasse an die B8 sehr schlecht gestaltet und bei weiterem Ausbau der Siedlung wird der Verkehr sicherlich zu einem Problem werden.

Hoffentlich wird die Stadtverwaltung hier eine Lösung finden, die sowohl die neuen Bedürfnisse befriedigt als auch die bestehenden Grundbesitzer schont.

Images Of Women Wearing Pads

Gänserndorf from the perspective of a Gänserndorf

Hallo und willkommen zu meinem Gänserndorf Blog.

This blog offers information, stories, photos, videos and links to and from the perspective of Gänserndorf Gänserndorf.

Interestingly, the blog that is for all those who live in Gänserndorf, will go into the Gänserndorf, or have any links to Gänserndorf.

Happy reading!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How Does Newton's Second Law Apply To Apollo 13

raster to vector raster to vector

Issue: 05.12.07
submission: 19.12.07 up 11.45Uhr in the teaching field

scan and vectorize a card / plan that you created in the study. The so-called "tracing" is possible with the Internet among other freely available programs. Enter the vectorized areas other colors and lead this vector file back into a grid format.

Compare the raster file and vector file from the following points:

• File size
• Editable
• Issue possibility


• Scanned Rohkarte
• Vector file
• Converted vector file in raster format
• Comparison of the two files based on screenshots (ppt presentation) and an A1 poster

The exercises are to be processed in 2 groups. Tax is one clean labeled CD in Jewel Case Booklet Included layouts. Including registration number and editors as well as a plan to A1 with the outcomes of the exercise. Failure to comply with these requirements is the practice failed.

What To Wear To A Red Dress Ball

The results of the exercises, and developed and revised plans may be picked up from 11.45 to werden. Termin für die Wiedervorlage ausgedruckt auf DinA3 ist 19.12.07.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shoddy Retroperitoneal Adenopathy

Das Seminar zu 3d Max und Salomon de Caus wir nach Absprache mit dem Referenten erst 2008 stattfinden können. Der Termin ist fixiert auf den 8.1.08 ab 9.00 Uhr im cpe_lab. Bitte vormerken, bis dahin 3d Max aufspielen und am Modell weiter arbeiten.

Nächste Korrektur ist dann am Dienstag, 4.12.07 ab 14.15 im cpe_lab.

How Do Aluminum Trailers Stand Up To Salt

Der Landcad- Workshop wird wie gehabt am Dienstag, 11.12, ab sehr wahrscheinlich 10.00 Uhr bei uns im Lab stattfinden. Bis dahin bitte ich alle Teilnehmer, Landcad zu installlieren, und nächste Woche ab Mittwoch für die Lizenzierung bei mir vorbei zu kommen.

Die Vorstellung of the units is as discussed on Wednesday, cpe_lab 5:12:07, 14.00 in the clock.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Popped Blood Vessel In Bre

Pfaffenberg Strasse 95
67663 Kaiserslautern
room U33/34
+49,631,205 3951

spreadable (a) rhrk.uni-kl.de
line (a) rhrk.uni-kl.de
farnoudi (a) rhrk.uni-kl.de

Friday, November 9, 2007

Patch Posions For Brownie Vest

plan layout

04:12:07 to 11:30 am in the teaching field

laying out a plan taking into account the course content (layout, typography) using the two available for download, digital raster maps (TIFF format). The plan size should not exceed the format A1. The plan bases you can download here , the task of Plan contents and explanation here.

plotting and coloring the plan. You can either plot plan finished, colored, or as pure black and white drawing, Connect the colored by hand with Polychromos, Copics or colored adhesive film will make.

Please note:

  • arrangement of the elements header, map, legend (s), north arrow (e), scale etc.
  • labels
  • color choice
  • fonts


  • plan layout has finished

Die Übungen sind in 2er Gruppen zu bearbeiten. Planinhalte sind auch Matrikelnummer und Bearbeitername.

Bitte geben Sie mit der Übung das fertig ausgefüllte Stammdatenblatt ab. Sie finden das Formular auf http://cpe.arubi.uni-kl.de/Downloads/Stammdatenblatt.pdf .

Bei Nichteinhaltung dieser Vorgaben gilt die Übung als nicht bestanden.

Brent Corrigan & Brent Everettcrush

Alle Teilnehmer an den Übungen, Seminaren, Studienprojekten und Diplomarbeiten werden gebeten, für eine lückenlose Dokumentation der Studienleistungen ein sogenanntes Stammdatenblatt für das Lehrgebiet cpe auszufüllen.

Das Datenblatt finden sie hier .

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hurts To Poop Bleeding When Pregnant

Kleine Termin Konfusion meinerseits, sorry. Wir müssten, wenn es geht, das nächste Treffen auf Donnerstag 15.11.07 14.30 Uhr im cpe_lab. Bin am Mittwoch auf der KOMCOM zu einem Vortrag eingeladen. Bitte gebt doch bescheid, ob das bei Euch klappt. Ansonsten müssen wir eine andere Regelung finden, und einer der Hiwis muss dran glauben.

Bitte bis zum nächsten Treffen schon mit den Ausstellungsobjekten sammeln beginnen.

Das Treffen am 21.11.2007 at 14.30 clock is held regularly.

task with pictures

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How To Wear A Maxi Pad For Guys

create thematic maps

Issue: 31.10.07
submission: 14.11.07 up to 11:30 am in the teaching field

Create a thematic map of population density in Europe. of data is the map of Europe in CDR format (compatible up to v7) . Find county populations of European countries and label it in a map. Then you share the values worked out in 5 useful class and create a corresponding thematic map. The gradation of the color values and related classes should be made in a shade.

you lay out the cards with the absolute values and classes on an A1 plan, you follow the plan content and save it as a PDF file and plot them out (there is for example possible in the teaching field to plot).

Please note:

• arrangement of the elements header, map, legend (s), north arrow (e), scale etc.
• Signs
• Color choice
• Fonts

Scope: layouted

• Plan completed

The exercise is part of the receipt of the note, "Plan creation and presentation "All five exercises have a" be considered passed "to obtain the certificate.

The exercises are to be processed in 2 groups. Map contents are also student number and agent name.
is Not following these guidelines were not the exercise as.

Highlights Brown Hair

The next meeting for the seminar will be held on Tuesday, 06.11.2007, 14:15 clock instead. There, the group division and the voting takes place further appointments

Hardest Credit Cards Get

CAD bases in the city and regional planning
The lecture notes can be downloaded here.

Important: The password for opening the script CAD is - please remember, this information is deleted from this side tomorrow

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Moms Anul Adventure .com

was, like Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the greatest polymath of the Renaissance. The French physicist and engineer engaged in addition to mechanical problems with the installation of baroque gardens.

DeCaus In 1614 came as a private tutor and garden architect of the electoral castle in Heidelberg. There he was for Elector Frederick of the Palatinate create the "Hortus Palatinus", the first Renaissance gardens in Germany. The outbreak des30-year war, however, prevented the completion of the terrace garden ..

During his time in Heidelberg constructed de Caus, a number of mechanical machines that were designed as consumer items, like a singing bird, or hydraulic pumps for fountains or water-powered organ machines. There were also plans to announce in a so-called cabinet of curiosities in Heidelberg Castle, also known as Wunderkammer to create. In these areas presented the suffering of acquisitiveness ruler of the 17th Jhrd. rare or in the context of the times "quaint" exhibits such as animals, fossils, dried plants, weapons and small mechanical experiments. Many of these curiosities were later on in the collections of natural history museums.

After the outbreak of war 30 years came in 1620 de Caus back in his native France, where he died 1626th Through the turmoil of war 30jahrigen his work fell into obscurity and was only in the middle of the 19th Jhrd. rediscovered. For this reason, de Caus is now relatively unknown.

exhibition by Salomon de Caus
In honor of Salomon de Caus' is held in Heidelberg in June 2008 an exhibition. In addition to the reproduction of engravings and realistic models of the mechanical experiments is a virtual exhibition concept for the presentation of the work of de Caus'.

The exhibition was organized by Richard Leiner (Leiner & Wolff GmbH, Heidelberg) and Rüdiger Mach (Mach: idea, Zurich) designed, created and configured. Official host, the Museum of the Palatinate in Heidelberg, is the natural history institution, private club Pollichia.
curio cabinet

is in close cooperation with those responsible made a 3-dimensional design of a curio cabinet and is loaded with curiosities. The designs will be submitted in an online publication published officially for exhibition, in addition, a draft as freely navigable part of the real-time environment Heidelberger de Caus exhibition.


* 3 Modeling of the Cabinet with Sketchup
* Texturing the model
* system of the virtual curiosities portfolio and integration in the Cabinet

as elective or double-cuff

For A and Ru

refers addition, a full day workshop with Rüdiger Mach / Zurich (technical project management, engineering and author) on modeling, animation, the person at the College de Caus instead.

information session: Wednesday, 31/10/2007 - 15:00 clock - cpe lab

Circuit Diagram For Body Temperature

Experimental digital land-use planning, taking into account the legal requirement


Practical application of these points using WAS · LANDCAD

Using an existing B-Plan "Theodor Heuss Strasse in Kaiserslautern, which is made available and 2D and 3D software, in which the following points of both" digital-design-related " be processed and planning law:

first Degree of building use (simulated usage limits laid down)
second Superstructure construction and customizable grounds
third Distance surfaces
4th Landscaping
5th Design Association (looking at a road course)
6th Noise
7th Ancillary facilities


* Theoretical elaboration on construction law topics relevant
* solution concept to implementation using 2D and 3D software
* Modelling of the solution concept to illustrate the facts


Regular seminar attendance and seminar participation
An Abstract with a written script to the selected topic
Own implementation of 2D and 3D models

12 or 6 groups (6 jobs can be made available)

Dates: Start / information meeting 10/30/2007 13.00 U33 Clock cpelab /

preparation of papers and models entsprechend einer Layoutvorlage

Monday, July 23, 2007

Who Is Pregant In Pokemon By Ash

Noch ein kleines Schmankerl für die Sommerferien, bzw. auch als Tipp gedacht für die Erstsemester Tutoren.

Die TUKL ist jetzt mit einem eigenen Google Earth Modell vertreten, ein Stegreifentwurf einer interdisziplinären Gruppe von 4 Raumplanern und 2 Architekten. Zusätzlich zu den texturierten Geometrien kann ein thematischer Informationslayer zugeschaltet werden, in denen Informationen zu der Lokalisierung der Fachbereiche, Bushaltestellen und- Linien sowie Parking is included.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Water Exercises With Spondylothesis

The third and final exercise of the semester is corrected ! Are very good results come out of it. The two most common errors were the wrong save the KMZ file and the missing link of it on the homepage. Have played all the time

developed land values in a file, anyone who wishes to here to find

wishes you a pleasant voresungsfreie time, some are 17-18. October will be with us in the test. You can You most likely add at 14:10:07 from us on the bulletin board for a review period.

Good luck.

Friday, June 22, 2007

What Comes In A Box Of Ice Cream Inebrya Hair Dye

Useful tool for integrating Google MyMaps in your blog. From http://www.mymapsplus.com

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Scar Removal For White Scars

date: Thursday, 06/14/2007
Deadline: Wednesday, 11.07.2007 to 10.00 clock

Choose one or more sample communities in Rhineland-Palatinate, to which land values in land values RLP information system are available. Important is that at least 30 well-defined localized areas and the listed prices be, and that the communities have a direct spatial relationship to one another.

Narrow these areas by using the "Add polygon" command in Google Earth and nominate them for the land value (eg 160 €). Select topic useful colors and heights. Create a folder in Google Earth, set the polygons sorted from this and save that folder as a KMZ file. example

After you create your KMZ file an original list [see this STRING 2005: 206] and then an appropriate method for evaluating the original list. In particular the following statistical terms this should be marked:

• • Maximum Minimum

• Span mode

• • • Mean Median

• Outlier

It makes them with the proper allocation of the terms "location parameter" and "scattering parameters" apart. Chat
then just the knowledge gained to the floor price of each study area.


• KMZ File (in the blog)
• Legend •
original list
• Statistical analysis

• Discussion • Presentation of results
• Publication in the blog

All topics are relevant for the exam. In the test, questions for the specific practice of each author are provided.

The exercises are to be processed in 2 groups. Tax is one clean labeled CD with PDF presentations in Slimcase leave booklet including layout has to continue to publish the results on your blog, similar to Exercise 1 Including registration number and editors. Failure to comply with these requirements is the practice failed.

line / farnoudi / spreadable

trick as: urban planning in the knowledge society, 2005


Potterton Performa 28 Boiler Manul

Übung 2 "MiniGIS" ist abgeschlossen. Bewertungen fertig. Rücksprachen bitte nach der Vorlesung am Donnerstag, 14.6.07 bis 12.00 Uhr. Ansonsten in den Sprechzeiten am Mittwoch.