Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Washing Machine Drain 55 Gal

love song recital in DaKiG Gänserndorf

If ever what's going on in Gänserndorf, then I would apply it at this point neatly. So, here is the original wie er vom Jimmy aus dem Kult in Gänserndorf verschickt wurde:

Der Verein "kig" (Sommerszene Gänserndorf) unter der Intendanz von Dr. Rupert Lenhart präsentiert am 11. Oktober 2008 um 20.30 Uhr in der Schmied Villa in Gänserndorf unter dem Titel

"Have I told you lately that I love you…"

das Konzert

Lovesongs & Poems.

Der Abend gestaltet sich in zwei Kapitel:

Kapitel 1:
Karl Biskup, Jimmy Stadlbauer und
Victoria Havranek

Die Lieder und Geschichten des Trios sind eine Weiterentwicklung eines vorjährigen Sommerkonzertes im Szenenlokal K.U.L.T. in Gänserndorf, getragen von der Stimme der jungen Sängerin Victoria Havranek. Das Kapitel 1 besteht aus Liebesgedichten sowie musikalischen Werken.

Kapitel 2:
Stadlbauer/Krinner Ensemble

Das erste gemeinsame Projekt von Stadlbauer/Krinner ist eine kammermusikalische Interpretation von alten und neuen Pop-Sons. Dieser Teil steht unter der musikalischen Leitung von Bernhard Krinner, welcher die Musik exklusiv für diesen Abend zusammengestellt und neu arrangiert hat. Die Künstler des Ensembles sind:

Jimmy Stadlbauer Gesang
Victoria Havranek Gesang
Karl Biskup Triangle + guitar
Bernhard Krinner guitar
Klaus Lahner Contrabass
Harry Hering Cajon Percussion
surprise guest cello

Artistic Director: Bernard Krinner
Contact: Franz Eibel (telephone inquiries 0699 1165 7097)
Advance tickets: Raika Gänserndorf

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Un Nuovo Amore Lyrics What Do They Mean

buy furniture in Gänserndorf

are not many possibilities to buy furniture - that's for sure. Many people are so soft in the direction Stadlau industrial park, where there are furniture giants such as Kika Leiner, Lutz, Ikea, Ludwig and Möbelix.
If you want to buy high quality furniture for his home, but there is a Address in Gänserndorf that stands in my opinion: furniture Karner .

I'm just an advertising brochure of furniture Karner in the hand and the content is very exclusive: Austro / flex, ewe, fm, Gaggenau, Grange, Gruber + Schlager, Kornmüller kitchen, Miele, Rolf Benz, Siemens , and Wittmann Silenia be here at its best. So if you want to buy something more quality, does not need to go to Vienna and is also here in Gänserndorf high quality goods.

Some words to the website of furniture Karner Gänserndorf: the site meets unfortunately not the quality of Waren. Die Webseite ist nicht suchmaschinenoptimiert und vom Design her eher einfach gestaltet. Man findet teilweise relativ schlechte Hobby-Fotos von Möbel, die das schöne Design der angebotenen Waren nur unzureichend darstellen. Möglicherweise wird schon an an Redesign der Webseite von Möbel Karner gedacht, derzeit ist die Seite nicht sehr förderlich für das Geschäft, meine ich.

Poisoning In Dogsshampoo

Bodytherm health cabins in Gänserndorf

Wie man auf dieser Seite über Infrarotwärmekabinen nachlesen kann, sind Infrarotwärmekabinen eine gesunde und nachweisbar hilfreiche Einrichtung. Ein Hersteller von Infrarotkabinen ist Bodytherm die diese Kabinen unter dem Namen Infrarot Gesundheitskabinen verkaufen.

Bodytherm indicates contact with the infrared heat cabin, a patented world first, unfortunately, "says the flyer to every household served by Gänserndorf was nothing about the nature of the patent. However, such infrared cabins are loud Bodytherm successfully:
  • back pain
  • muscle tension
  • headache, migraine
  • rheumatism, gout
  • flu, colds
  • strengthening the immune system
  • fat burning, the ideal figure
Each of the in Gänserndorf lives may be on the effectiveness of health Bodytherm cabins on 18 September 2008, from 14:30-17:00 in the clock € saving on parking (2230 Gänserndorf, bottom row 3).

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dolls From The 197o's

glasses and contact lenses on a web page Gänserndorf buy

makes a Web page from the Gänserndorf buy sunglasses, sunglasses and optical eyewear easier. In
Netzoptik.com can not only shop but stressed GänserndorferInnen because they have not managed after working for Opticians: everyone can, whether Gänserndorf, Vienna, Austrian or German after his favorite online store for eyeglasses, sunglasses or Contact lenses look !

Here is a picture of the website Netzoptik.com:

A visit to this website to the prices of online shops to compare with those of local Opticians to pay off for sure!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Stomach Bug Vancouver Symptoms

Webcam from Gänserndorf

There is a way Webcam with images from Gänserndorf .
man can view still pictures of the last days, or a video course. The camera points towards the south, the railway road in the city center Gaenserndorf.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Memo To Announce New Hire

Dissatisfied with the piece of work in Gänserndorf

In NÖN you can read is that VP-René Lobner City Council with the piece of work in Gänserndorf dissatisfied.
I can only agree with him, the two errors in city planning, namely the settlements in the area and the shopping street in the industrial park every day Gänserndorf for all to see.
It would be nice if the suggestions of Mr. Lobner be implemented - so an expert can assess the site options. What the politicians do then yes it is then a matter of finances.

The other point made by René Lobner regarding the venue, I can understand from his perspective (that of an organizer) only too well. This related to a financing model is difficult - in any case, the construction of such a room must be largely financed by the Gänserndorf, although the profits are pocketed by various individuals.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Brazilian Wax St. Louis Mo Men

well drilling and water saving in Gänserndorf

Wenn man in Gänserndorf einen Brunnen bohren möchte, dann kann man sich unter anderem an die Firma Well Drilling Brunnenbau wenden. Diese Firma hat uns freundlicherweise einen Flyer per Post geschickt wo auch eine Sommeraktion angekündigt wird.
Inhalt der Sommeraktion, welche bis 21.09.2008 gültig ist:
  • Bohrung eines Brunnens bis 10 Meter Tiefe
  • inkl. Brunnenbohrfutterrohr 125mm
  • inkl. Filterkiesschüttung, Quelltonabdichtung und Pumpversuch
Preis: 1399€ - jeder weitere meter kostet 139€

Well Drilling bietet außer Brunnenbohrungen auch noch Wärmepumpenbohrungen an.
Gerade hier in Gänserndorf, where it can happen that a lot must be cast has a well lot of advantages:
  • free filling of private pools
  • free irrigation of your own home
  • possible integration in the water cycle of the house
Finally, the contact information for anyone interested: well drilling wells, Ferdinand Strasse 15, 1020 Wien, Tel: 012 051 085 264, Email: info@wasserbrunnen.at

Friday, August 1, 2008

Electric-box: Level 19 Solution

Gänserndorf - City without concepts?

Everyone who lives in Gänserndorf asks sooner or later, who was responsible for the settlement or concepts is. Infrastructure for disaster as the lane or leave the field Gänserndorf -South confidence in the planners go to zero.

In NÖN an interesting article was published, which highlights the issue. Read "built settlement without a concept , Kornelia head.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Catching A Pikachu In Pokemon Fire Red

AB sofort

ist wieder die alte cpe-Homepage unter http://cpe.arubi.uni-kl.de zu erreichen.

Alle aktuellen Termine, Projekte, Infos, ... dann dort!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Atlantic Stove Conestoga

storm Gänserndorf

It was Sturm Gänserndorf. So, according to ORF

storm was announced. Bad thing so a storm, especially in Gänserndorf. Shortly after the fire was 12 already scrambling to move to these houses standing in the rain at the roof. What they do there, I know not - probably a few bricks flew away. I just wonder often: "Why are there in the open field at all houses, there is not enough space in already populated areas? "

The answer is only aware of Gänserndorf Government. And a magazine that I read in an airplane on the way from Japan to Austria. There was an article in there about urban sprawl, and Gänserndorf (otherwise known only to the already closed Safari Park) was cited as a prominent example. Very nice - so we come to glory.

I personally think yes, that built in Gänserndorf first, then planned. So as I refer to the very successful field alleys settlement. As hundreds of apartments have been created, has the road access, however, changed nothing.

I come from the subject from - back to the storm, here's a little video - this is wind and rain from the other side of 100 km / h in Gänserndorf.

Do not worry - nothing happened - we are here more often buffeted by the storm - everything that can fly is long gone ... is

Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Funny Cake Writing

Law & Order The Cabinet of Curiosities string

Das nächste Treffen des Projektes ist am Mittwoch, 13. 2.08 im cpe_lab. Da es Verzögerung in der Bearbeitung gegeben hat aufgrund der Softwarelizenzen, sollten wir das weitere Vorgehen besprechen.

14.15 im cpl_Lab

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Is Metamucil Contraindicated For Kidney Stones

Salomon De Caus

Der Entwurf des Landesentwicklungsprogrammes IV des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz
konkretisiert das baurechtliche Gebot des schonenden und sparsamen Umgangs
mit Grund und Boden. Insbesondere ist darin die Verpflichtung der Regionalplanung
verankert, die zur Entwicklung der provide local area needed a
regional land recycling. For this purpose, the coordination of local land use planning
a regional land management and
-monitoring carried out.
The task of the Great study project is a system for area monitoring
for a select geographic area unit - developed that meet the legal requirements
methodically and technically in an easily handled form realized
can be - perhaps
Landkreis Kusel. As an information platform for such monitoring, the existing
in Rhineland-Palatinate used spatial data sources be, the monitoring system itself is embedded in
Geoportal the Rheinland-Pfalz. Alternatively
of the processing group for the purpose of demonstration, the use of GoogleEarth
with related technologies (SketchUp, Ruby programs)
be considered.
A presentation of the project with regard to its objectives and requirements
by the supervising departments
held on Tuesday, 12.Februar.2008, instead of at 08.00 clock in
1-160. To
This event is for students who participate in the Great
study project, which is compulsory, as the final participant to be determined.
prerequisite for participation is adjacent to the existing undergraduate that
to students currently at least in the 6th Semester are and have already completed a small study
Interested students, please subscribe to the latest
in the bulletin board for display in large study projects list.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jet Li Unleashed Stre

Law and Order

is Exercise 5, the task is the place that has been processed in Übung4, three-dimensional acquisition and modeling. This will be done using the digital map base, the equalized facade photos as well as with the 3D modeling software SketchUp (a version for the exercises can be directly on the SketchUp Home be downloaded).
On the basis of the cadastral map, so-called LOD3 models emerge: in addition to the exact base areas to the houses are modeled almost exactly the height and roof with abstract shapes. In addition, important Fassa Denver jumps and roof structures in the creation of the model are considered.

example here is a LOD3 modeling of the bridge in Bamberg City Hall can be seen.

addition to modeling will include additional statements on
  • furnishing and vegetation
  • sun at 02/02/2008 - 11:45 clock
  • comparison between physical model und der Realität (Fußgängerperspektive)

getroffen werden. Die Präsentation der Ergebnisse erfolg über ein Poster im pdf-Format als auch jpg-Format, das alle übungsrelevanten Inhalte präsentiert.
Die Übung ist in 2er Gruppen zu gestalten, Abgabe ist eine sauber beschriftet CD im Slimcase inklusive Cover mit den Inhalten der Übung. Auf der CD werden neben der Posterpräsentation im PDF- und JPG-Format auch die Texturen aus Übung 4 (Originale und Entzerrte) sowie das Sketchupmodell abgegeben.

Abgabe ist der 13.Februar 2008 11.30 Uhr im lg cpe.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Which Is Better Hugoboss Or Armani Exchange

TU KL 3D in Google Earth

Der Workshop zu Salomon DeCaus wird wie angekündigt am Dienstag, 01/08/2008 occur.

is 13:30 in the start-cpe_Lab Expected end around 17:00 clock