Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What To Write On Sympathy Card

Issue: 19.12.07
submission: 16.01.08 up 11.45Uhr in the teaching field

select from the following locations in Kaiserslautern ( Altenhof, place in front of the Collegiate Church, Mainzer Tor, Martin Place, Schiller Platz, pen space, floor space rental) a place in the list depends on the notice board. This place is being processed both in Exercise 4 and 5, the choice is binding. -> Plan basics

Take pictures of interest to the space version facades, and enter the Photo Locations mit eindeutiger Identifikation in die Plangrundlage ein. Kleinere Rücksprünge und markante Dachaufbauten sind für die Darstellung des Platzes im 3d-Modell ebenfalls wichtig.

Entzerren sie anschließend die Fassadenfotos zu Texturen/Mappings mithilfe der in der Übung vorgestellten Techniken. Beachten Sie bei der Bearbeitung folgende Punkte:

• Orthogonale Aufnahme der Fotos ( Vermeidung stürzender Linien)
• Entfernen störender Elemente vor der Fassadenebene
• Reduction of the images in a meaningful power of two formats (POT), the images
should exceed 1024 * 1024 pixels at 72 dpi resolution
• Store owners in the JPG format

Order then the photo sites useful the original photography and the rectified facade. This layout a plan with the maximum size of DinA0.


• layouted plan with photo locations and rectified images in PDF
• Original photos in separate folders
• Rectified photos in separate folders

The exercises are groups of 2 to edit. Tax is one clean labeled CD in Jewelcase booklet included. Including registration number and editors. Failure to comply with these requirements is the practice failed.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Atlanta Stove Conestoga

The exercise series in this and next week dealing with the subject of image manipulation or with the problem of how to create a usable image from a forward mapping / texture.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Difference Between 0 And 1 On Withholding

properties in Gänserndorf

Gänserndorf In a lot of construction, the city is a popular place to live!

addition to the apartments' field alley "is also an active building activity regarding single-family homes.

currently being built in the former fields between Beethoven and Grillparzer lane street and there are still many undeveloped building land.

Die Bauten in der Feldgasse haben eine Menge Einwohner dazu gebracht nach Gänserndorf zu ziehen bzw. in Gänserndorf zu bleiben. Das ist gut so, stellt die Stadt aber vor neue Herausforderungen was den Verkehr betrifft.
Derzeit ist die Anbindung der Feldgasse an die B8 sehr schlecht gestaltet und bei weiterem Ausbau der Siedlung wird der Verkehr sicherlich zu einem Problem werden.

Hoffentlich wird die Stadtverwaltung hier eine Lösung finden, die sowohl die neuen Bedürfnisse befriedigt als auch die bestehenden Grundbesitzer schont.

Images Of Women Wearing Pads

Gänserndorf from the perspective of a Gänserndorf

Hallo und willkommen zu meinem Gänserndorf Blog.

This blog offers information, stories, photos, videos and links to and from the perspective of Gänserndorf Gänserndorf.

Interestingly, the blog that is for all those who live in Gänserndorf, will go into the Gänserndorf, or have any links to Gänserndorf.

Happy reading!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How Does Newton's Second Law Apply To Apollo 13

raster to vector raster to vector

Issue: 05.12.07
submission: 19.12.07 up 11.45Uhr in the teaching field

scan and vectorize a card / plan that you created in the study. The so-called "tracing" is possible with the Internet among other freely available programs. Enter the vectorized areas other colors and lead this vector file back into a grid format.

Compare the raster file and vector file from the following points:

• File size
• Editable
• Issue possibility


• Scanned Rohkarte
• Vector file
• Converted vector file in raster format
• Comparison of the two files based on screenshots (ppt presentation) and an A1 poster

The exercises are to be processed in 2 groups. Tax is one clean labeled CD in Jewel Case Booklet Included layouts. Including registration number and editors as well as a plan to A1 with the outcomes of the exercise. Failure to comply with these requirements is the practice failed.

What To Wear To A Red Dress Ball

The results of the exercises, and developed and revised plans may be picked up from 11.45 to werden. Termin für die Wiedervorlage ausgedruckt auf DinA3 ist 19.12.07.